
Terrible Fever Symptoms [Updated for Sacrificial Magic]

I gots Terrible fever, aye.

I gots Terrible fever, aye. You ready for more Downside Ghosts?

Before the release of the third Downside Ghosts novel, we determined the symptoms of Terrible Fever. We were waiting on the third book, City of Ghosts, wondering if we’d get more of the surprising hero. And, oh man, did we.

But now that readers are so in love with Terrible the fever only gets worse. As such, we’re here to help you diagnose your Terrible Fever, now with more symptoms.

  • Not only did you devour Unholy Ghosts, Unholy Magic and City of Ghosts the first time, but you’ve found yourself re-reading the books. You may have worn out a few chapters in City of Ghosts.
  • You named a pet Chessiebomb.
  • You look longingly at the entrances to sewers and mumble “Oh, the tunnels” just loudly enough to earn questioning glances from husbands, friends and coworkers.
  • You follow @StaciaKane on Twitter waiting for Terrible treasures.
  • You have forgotten the original description of Terrible in Unholy Ghosts and only focus on the bits of soul he’s bared to Chess.
  • You listen to Terrible’s favorite rockabilly-tinged punk tunes while driving to work.
  • The VBC review of Sacrificial Magic made you feel better because you know they’re still dating and Terrible calls her Chessiebomb.

Tell us, readers, do you have Terrible Fever? What other symptoms? Please share, you’d be doing a public service.

        12 Responses to “Terrible Fever Symptoms [Updated for Sacrificial Magic]”

        1. Bells says:

          I can say that I look at tunnels in a whole new light now. LOL! Awesome post Chelsea!

        2. Annie @ UTC says:

          Great post!

          I got one: You find bean bag chairs suddenly sexy.

        3. Kristin says:

          Oh dear…according to this, I do, indeed, have Terrible fever.

          I gots it bad!

        4. Felicia the Geeky Blogger says:

          Well I don’t yet (don’t shoot me) but I have the first one ready to read this week—now that I have been schooled!

        5. Oh my heavens that man is hot. My Terrible fever? I ask my husband to grow mutton chops. LOL, he did it! And I like it. Now if he gets around to reading The Downside series I might be in trouble. 😉

        6. Sukhi says:

          whats all this hubbub about no audiobook? anyone know? audiobook news is nearly impossible to find and I’m near pulling my hair out!! if anyone has a straight answer I’d be forever in your debt.

          not cool man, not cool.

        7. You look for black chevelle cars and hoping to muttonchop man driving the car.

          You look at things that go bump in the night in whole new light.

        8. Oh Terrible, how do I love thee?? I’ve got the fever!! Aye, right up.

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