
Release-Day Review: Last Blood by Kristen Painter (House of Comarré #5)


Last Blood by Kristen Painter // VBC ReviewLast Blood (House of Comarré #5)
Kristen Painter
Published: July 30, 2013 (Orbit)
Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon
Review source: Provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review

Reviewed by: Amy

Rating (out of 5): 4 stars

Note: While this review will be spoiler free, it will reference previous books in the series. If you haven’t started the House of Comarré books yet, please start with Blood Rights.

Kristen Painter has been building up this series since the beginning, and while I’m sad that this is the last book, I appreciate when an author knows when and how they are going to end their series and stick to the plan. From the very beginning this series set itself apart from the pack with its interesting twist on the vampire, shifter and fae mythologies.

I held some big expectations for Last Blood and Kristen Painter certainly delivers the same fast-paced read that I’m used to with this series. For me, however, maybe knowing it is the last book, there was no “wow factor.” Painter always left us with a gasp-inducing big finish. Usually dropping some kind of bomb on us then cutting off and making us wait until next time. Well, all the bombs were dropped in the first four books. Last Blood’s sole purpose was essentially the clean-up after the bombs.  That’s not to say it wasn’t a good read, it very much was, but I think with what Painter left us in the previous book, I was mentally expecting a different path than the one chosen.

I think where the book falls a little short is the build-up of all the characters. The series started out as Chrysabelle and Mal’s story, but with each new book Painter would add a new voice to the mix until Chrysabelle and Mal weren’t the main focus anymore. I really would have liked to have seen Last Blood go back to more Chrysabelle and Mal as the focal point especially with the revelation of Chrysabelle’s pregnancy. As a new(er) mom myself, I find myself interested in reading about pregnant or new mothers in my urban fantasy and paranormal romance. I think it gives authors a lot of opportunities with the characters if done properly. In this case, I just think that there wasn’t enough time to develop this storyline, but I believe it was intentional.

Painter, while tying up all loose story threads, did leave some things open enough if she should choose to revisit this world in the future. This also works with readers who like to “fill in the blank” of sorts and make their own conclusions about the future.

Overall, I was pretty satisfied with the ending, there may have been certain paths I didn’t expect Painter to take, but having read the books and gone through this crazy journey with the characters, I couldn’t imagine the ending any other way.

Sexual content: Kissing, references to sex

One Response to “Release-Day Review: Last Blood by Kristen Painter (House of Comarré #5)”

  1. Claudio A Caridade says:

    Where do I buy this audiobook? Just can’t find it…

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