
Review: Crimson Sunrise by J.A. Saare (Crimson #2)


Crimson Sunrise by J.A. Saare (Crimson #2)Crimson Sunrise (Crimson #2)
J.A. Saare
Published: May 1, 2012 (Wild Rose Press), digital editions May 18, 2012.
Purchase at: Amazon

Rating (out of 5): 4 stars

J.A. Saare is at her best when she merges emotional turmoil with cutting action scenes. The latter half of Crimson Sunrise brings this repeatedly in fresh ways that make your heart break for some characters and want to hug others.

Crimson Sunrise picks up a few weeks after Crimson Moon. While Emma and Caleb are happily together, they haven’t had much alone time. The two are staying with Caleb’s parents and others in the werewolf pack are around … lots. Caleb’s wolf has claimed Emma as his mate, so this makes her family. And adjusting to their nature — and not being around her trueblood vampire parents — makes her a bit antsy.

A kidnapping puts the pack on high alert, and Emma is sure the trueblood vampires are involved. I don’t want to give anything away, but there are prophecies, trickery and our girl chooses to become either a vampire or a werewolf.

While the first half had me making Twilight illusions (only with the vampire being the one heartbroken and not loved ‘that way’ — poor Trent! — and the werewolf being the alpha asshole at times), this isn’t a bad thing. The romantic elements were elevated and the way Emma handled Trent and his feelings were far better than Bella’s stringing along of Jacob. That said, the second half ditched the love triangle bit and focused on Emma and Caleb working together to fight the big bad.

Saare manages to write eye-popping action scenes that evoke emotional revelations from her protagonists. It’s in these moments that we see Emma’s strength, her devotion to friends and family and just how much power this one woman holds. Really, once you make it halfway through this one, it picks up speed and intensity. The ending sets the stage for book three and some big-time drama while still giving closure. (Thank goodness.)

Sexual content: Sex, kissing, lots of interrupted making out

5 Responses to “Review: Crimson Sunrise by J.A. Saare (Crimson #2)”

  1. Denise Z says:

    This looks like an awesome series. I really enjoy J.A. Saare’s writing style and hopped over and hit the button for it to be released on Kindle. Thanks for sharing today 🙂

  2. Amber says:

    I just read Crimson Moon & loved, loved, loved it. I can’t wait for this to release as an e-book next week. Caleb = YUM!

  3. Caro says:

    I loved Crimson Moon. I read the copy before the revised copy came out. What is the difference in the revised issue? Looking forward to Crimson Sunrise

  4. JA Saare says:

    Hiya Caro,

    Chelsea directed me to your comment (hope you don’t mind). The revised version is substantially trimmed and tightened, a bit of dialogue has been changed for clarity, etc. But it’s the same story.

    Thanks for giving Crimson Moon a try. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

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