
Review: Ravenous by Sharon Ashwood (Dark Forgotten #1)


Ravenous by Sharon Ashwood // VBC ReviewRavenous (The Dark Forgotten #1)
Sharon Ashwood
Published: February 9, 2009 (Signet)
Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon
Review source: Purchased

Reviewed by: Jill

Rating (out of 5): 5 stars

Ravenous was excellent.

Holly Carver is a registered witch, one of the last few remaining in the country. She’s kind of like a private investigator and an exorcist in one. The first time you meet her she’s trying to find people who have disappeared after entering a haunted house. The descriptions of the house are really original and actual did terrify me a bit. The action immediately takes off in this book and is completely engrossing.

Holly finds out that someone in the haunted house was murdered. She starts investigating a string of strange murders with the help of a good cop, Conall Macmillan, and devilishly handsome vampire, Alessandro. Someone is summoning demons out of portals and then letting them run free.

The team slowly gains members and becomes a large group of concerned supernatural citizens. The drama and the interactions between the group hints at future conflicts that could effect even their society as a whole.

Ravenous has some of the sweetest romance that I’ve read in a while, which I was not expecting from this book. Alessandro is a pretty typical tormented vampire, with the whole I-like-the-girl-but-I-don’t-want-to-eat-her thing. The couple wasn’t slobbering over each other every second though (there were some definitely steamy scenes, don’t get me wrong). They actually liked each other before falling in love. Over the course of the investigation Alessandro decides to appoint himself bodyguard to Holly and the couple slowly move from wary acquaintances to love.

The world is intensely interesting. You’ll meet so many interesting secondary characters that will eventually come together to fight the big baddy at the end. I really hope to see some of them again in the future books. Queen Omara, who is immensely powerful, but incredibly vulnerable, seems very interesting for some drama. Perry Baker is a werewolf computer professor who is slowly being ostracized from the university for being a werewolf. The world is mature, developed, and includes the stories of many characters. Instead of being about two people falling in love, Ravenous is also about the world that surrounds them.

I loved this book. The romance was original and sweet. The plot, action, and characters were excellent. The bad guys were actually scary. Ravenous is the beginning of an epic struggle between good and evil, and I can’t wait to go on it! I will be getting the next books in the series just as soon as I finish typing this sentence.

Sexual content: Sex

4 Responses to “Review: Ravenous by Sharon Ashwood (Dark Forgotten #1)”

  1. dr susan says:

    I love, love, love the Dark Forgotten! Unchained is my favorite, probably due to the 6ft bunny with fangs.

  2. Amy says:

    This sounds good, I’ll have to check it out.

  3. Linsey says:

    Im going to check this out my favorite books by far are Jeaniene Frost all of her series are amazing but Catherine Crawfield has stolen my heart. <3 I love the Red Reaper and Bones best lovers ever

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