
Review: The Descent by Alma Katsu (Taker #3)

Review: The Descent by Alma Katsu (Taker #3) The Descent (Taker Trilogy #3) Alma Katsu Published: Jan. 7, 2014 (Gallery Books) Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review Reviewed by: Krista Rating (out of 5):  4.5 stars Note: While this review will be spoiler free, it does reference events from past books in the series. If you haven’t started yet, check VBC’s reviews for the...

Review: The Reckoning by Alma Katsu (The Taker #2)

Review: The Reckoning by Alma Katsu (The Taker #2) The Reckoning (The Taker Trilogy #2) Alma Katsu Published: June 19, 2012 (Gallery Books) Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon Reviewed by: Amy Rating (out of 5): 4 stars Please note: While this review will be spoiler free, it will contain references to the first book in the series The Taker. The Reckoning picks up a couple of months after the end of The Taker. Luke and Lanore are in London viewing...

Auction: Urban Fantasy Set 2 featuring Jess Haines, Barbara Ashford, E.S. Moore, Linda Poitevin, Devon Monk, Stacia Kane & Alma Katsu [Books Fighting Cancer]

Auction: Urban Fantasy Set 2 featuring Jess Haines, Barbara Ashford, E.S. Moore, Linda Poitevin, Devon Monk, Stacia Kane & Alma Katsu [Books Fighting Cancer] Funny, sexy and gripping urban fantasy and fantasy novels fill this auction lot. You will have amazing reading for some time if you get to bring this one home. There are eight books in this pack and a bit of swag, too. Highest bidder will take home: Signed copy of Stalking the Others by Jess Haines – releases July 3! Signed copies of both To Walk the Night and Tainted Night, Tainted Blood by E.S. Moore...

Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2011

Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2011 It’s that time again. I spent far too much time attempting to whittle down the 100+ books reviewed on VBC this year to the absolute best. So, as those Amazon and B&N gift cards start rolling in, just use this list as your shopping guide. I personally promise the extreme awesomeness of all the novels listed below. Also, at the very end you’ll see the VBC Readers’ Choice winner (which allowed me to leave it...

Win Adair’s Vial necklace from Cadsawan Jewelry

Win Adair’s Vial necklace from Cadsawan Jewelry Yesterday I reviewed the dark and delicious The Taker by Alma Katsu. I wasn’t the only one sucked in by the book. Jewelry designer Janet Cadsawan fell in love, too. So much so that she created this gorgeous necklace (right) to match the vial worn by villain(?) Adair in the book. The vial contains an elixir that turns one immortal, but binds them to the one giving the magical liquid. Cadsawan has all sorts...

Review: The Taker by Alma Katsu

Review: The Taker by Alma Katsu The Taker Alma Katsu Published: Sept. 6, 2011 (Gallery) Purchase at: Book Depository, B&N or Amazon Rating (out of 5 stars): 4.5 stars I never thought I’d compare a book to Interview with a Vampire, but that day has come. Alma Katsu’s The Taker is a tale of regret, unrequited love, darkness and that glimmer of hope that keeps us moving on. And while there is nary a vampire to be found, Lanny’s tale stung...

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