
Currently Reading: Crusade

Currently Reading: Crusade With so many great releases for September, I’m already feeling behind. A headache coupled with a stomach bug wracked your lovely Vampire Book Club blogger at the end of last week, and that meant nearly three days without reading. Things are looking up now. We’re feeling much better and devouring Crusade, the opener to a new vampire series from Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié (read our Waiting on Wednesday...

Currently Reading: Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Currently Reading: Wings by Aprilynne Pike I feel a bit behind on Wings by Aprilynne Pike. It’s a quick read, one I intended to power through on an airplane flight. However, a chatty guy in the seat next to me (husband took the window seat, natch) kept me from finishing the last 50 pages. While wrapped up in family stuff, I’m looking forward to finishing the novel tonight or tomorrow morning. I don’t read a lot of books focused on faeries, but...

Currently Reading: Glass House (Morganville Vampires #1)

Currently Reading: Glass House (Morganville Vampires #1) I’m taking a breather before continuing on the emotional rollercoaster that is the latter half of Richelle Mead’s Georgina Kincaid series. Last night I started the first Morganville Vampires novel, Glass House. A few chapters in I was hooked, and would have devoured the whole thing had my husband not come home from work. Expect a review next week. On the to-read pile front, I just ordered The Dead-Tossed...

Currently Reading: Succubus Dreams

Currently Reading: Succubus Dreams I finally cracked open the third book in Richelle Mead’s Georgina Kincaid series, Succubus Dreams, and — as I expected — I am in love. Roughly two-thirds of the way in, I think I know where things may go, but Mead doesn’t always think the same way I do. So a surprise is possible. Technically, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner is still on my currently reading list, but it hasn’t kept me rapt. I read 90...

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