
Round 10: Christian MacKeltar vs. Jane Yellowrock [Alpha Showdown 2013]

Round 10: Christian MacKeltar vs. Jane Yellowrock [Alpha Showdown 2013] Things are advancing in the Alpha Showdown 2013. We’ve hit the second tier of the event. Winners will start battling winners. Expect the stakes to be raised and the smack talk to increase. Both alphas this round pulled out last-minute wins in earlier battles. Christian eked ahead of original Prince of Darkness Vlad while Jane Yellowrock managed to defeat our favorite enforcer Terrible. Read the pitches,...

Round 4: Jane Yellowrock vs. Terrible [Alpha Showdown 2013]

Round 4: Jane Yellowrock vs. Terrible [Alpha Showdown 2013] It’s officially time for Alpha Showdown 2013!  You made your nominations and we have 16 of the most badass, alpha characters from urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels locked into the bracket. Only one will be named champion and today’s first bout is sure to end in a knockout. Round four is sure to be full of dirty fighting. How will enforcer Terrible take on Jane’s Beast? Who will come out alive?...

Review: Skinwalker by Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock #1)

Review: Skinwalker by Faith Hunter (Jane Yellowrock #1) Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1) Faith Hunter Published: July 2009 (ROC) Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon Reviewed by: Jo Rating (out of 5): 3.5 stars Jane Yellowrock is a Skinwalker, possessing the power to shift into any animal’s form. She is the only one of her kind to her knowledge and guards her secret fiercely. Raised in a children’s home from the age of 12, she has no recollection of her time...

Giveaway: Raven Cursed by Faith Hunter

We’ll have a review of the first Jane Yellowrock novel, Skinwalker, here on VBC very soon, but for those you who have already fell in love with Jane (and Beast!) and the urban fantasy world crafted by Faith Hunter, then I have a copy of the latest novel Raven Cursed up for grabs. Entering is easy: Fill out the Rafflecopter form below, live in the U.S. or Canada (no P.O. Boxes, please) and be good about...

Poll: Pick the October group read

Poll: Pick the October group read Update: In the poll excitement, we left off important information. The poll closes at 11:59 p.m. EST Oct. 1. Sorry for any confusion. It’s almost October. That means it’s time for a new group read pick (and Halloween). You can still hit up the discussion threads about Nalini Singh’s Slave to Sensation or read my review of the paranormal romance if you’re on the border about reading it. (Expect the sexy.)...

Contest Roundup: Andrea Cremer, Nicole Peeler, Syrie James, Faith Hunter

Contest Roundup: Andrea Cremer, Nicole Peeler, Syrie James, Faith Hunter Oh, it’s a new year and that means new books. Giveaways celebrating new releases dominate this week’s roundup. First and foremost, we’re giving away a signed copy of Andrea Cremer’s Nightshade. This book is amazing. We promise. Contest is open to U.S. and Canada addresses. Enter by Jan. 24. Five copies of Syrie James’ Nocturne are up for grabs on Goodreads. Be sure to enter by Jan. 16. Open to U.S. and...

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