
Giveaway: The Hanged Man by P.N. Elrod

Giveaway: The Hanged Man by P.N. Elrod Last week Jo reviewed P.N. Elrod’s The Hanged Man, and if you watched Twitter that day you probably saw almost every VBC reviewer (and this editor!) hit up Jo to tell her that now they had to read the book. Maybe we’re all itching for a good fantasy with Victorian trappings. This book, though, has the mystery hook and supernatural elements that hits all our buttons. Jo actually described the book as...

Review: The Hanged Man by P.N. Elrod (Her Majesty’s Psychic Service #1)

Review: The Hanged Man by P.N. Elrod (Her Majesty’s Psychic Service #1) The Hanged Man (Her Majesty’s Psychic Service #1) P.N. Elrod Published: May 19, 2015 (Tor Books) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for a honest review Reviewed by: Jo Rating (out of 5): 4 stars In an alternative Victorian London, Queen Victoria never married Prince Albert. Instead, whilst wandering the country in disguise, she was rescued by and then...

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