
Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2013

Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2013 We’ve had big changes at VBC this year.  For starters, we now have multiple reviewers. In addition to me (Chelsea), you see regular posts here from Jo, Candace, Mary, Amanda, Amy, Krista and Amber. So, while last year we broke it out by reviewer for the best books, that would make for a very long list with a lot of repeated books. So, this year it’s curated. Yep, the VBC team put our collective heads...

Review: Dying is My Business by Nicholas Kaufmann

Review: Dying is My Business by Nicholas Kaufmann Dying is My Business Nicholas Kaufmann Published: Oct. 8, 2013 (St. Martin’s Griffin) Purchased: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review Reviewed by: Jo Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars Trent is a man who cannot die. Well he can, he just doesn’t stay dead. Instead something inside him steals the life force from the nearest person, killing them and...

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