
Review: End of Days by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #3)

Review: End of Days by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #3) End of Days (Penryn and the End of Days #3) Susan Ee Published: May 12, 2015 (Skyscape) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: purchased Reviewed by Amanda Rating (out of 5): 5 stars Note: While this review is spoiler free, it does reference events in the previous books. If you haven’t started the series yet, check out VBC’s review of book 1, Angelfall. Penryn and Raffe are running out of...

Review: World After by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #2)

Review: World After by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #2) World After (Penryn and the End of Days #2) Susan Ee Published: Nov. 19, 2013 (Skyscape) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review Reviewed by Amanda Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars Note: While this review is spoiler-free, it does reference events in the previous book. If you haven’t started this series yet check out VBC’s review of book 1,...

Review: Angelfall by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #1)

Review: Angelfall by Susan Ee (Penryn and the End of Days #1) Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days #1) Susan Ee Published: Aug. 28, 2012 (Skyscape) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: purchased Reviewed by: Amanda Rating (out of 5): 5 stars True story: A friend of mine raved about Angelfall for months before I broke down and bought it. It took me another two years to actually read the book (Amazon says I purchased it in March of 2013). I should not...

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