
Review: Break Out by Nina Croft (Blood Hunter #1)

Review: Break Out by Nina Croft (Blood Hunter #1) Break Out (Blood Hunter #1) Nina Croft Published: September 30, 2014 (St. Martin’s) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for and honest review Reviewed by: Jannelle Rating (out of 5): 3 stars In the year 3048, humans, genetically modified aliens and even vampires have already left Earth in search of a precious mineral known as Meridian—known to elongate...

Let’s talk favorite kissing scenes

I’m starting to narrow down the list for this year’s most swoon-worthy heroes list. (Didn’t know VBC gave up the hotties every year? Silly you. See the 2011 and 2010 picks, respectively.) Each year I include great young adult heroes on the list and people ask me why. The tweets and Facebook comments roll in asking how I could compare some kissing scene in a YA book to the hot-and-heavy goodness in an...

Books Fighting Cancer Charity Auctions

Books Fighting Cancer Charity Auctions Update: We’re still tallying the donations, but without including matching and direct donations, the auctions alone generated more than $4,000 for brain cancer research! I’ll include the grand total in Thursday’s Book Bits post. Thank you to all who donated, bid or shared the links. I’m amazed by your generosity. This is my first Father’s Day without my dad. I spent quite a bit of time trying to think of...

Reading Escapes: Suggested Escapes Part 1

Reading Escapes: Suggested Escapes Part 1 I’ve been traveling quite a bit lately. (Those who follow my Twitter feed know I’ve been heading somewhere nearly every other week.) It’s never for fun, though. Work, family stuff, but never a vacation. That’s why I’m always toting great novels with me. At the very least I can get away with alpha male vampires in paranormal romance or kick ass women ruling all in urban fantasy. So, in the name of Spring...

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