
Vampire Babylon giveaway winner


BlogFest 2010Wow! Thanks so much to everyone who participated in this weekend’s BlogFest. We had fun checking out the new blogs, but even more fun interacting with our new readers. We hope you’ll stick around as we have some fun things in the works.

There were a ton of entries in our Vampire Babylon giveaway — 1,234 to be exact. We’re pleased to see you have such an interest in the unique vampire series from Chris Marie Green. We may just have to talk with her about some special things on the blog.

Enough talk.

The winner on our Vampire Babylon giveaway is Lacey!

She’s been emailed and has 48 hours to claim her prize. If we don’t hear back, we’ll pull a new winner from the figurative hat.

6 Responses to “Vampire Babylon giveaway winner”

  1. Melissa S. says:

    Congrats on the win Lacey and congrats on such a great turn out Chelsea!! I had a blast entering:)

  2. Congratulations Lacey!!

  3. Cool! And a big congrats, Lacey. Hope you enjoy. : )

    As for blogs–I would love it!

  4. Lacey says:

    Thanks so much!!! I am soo excited to win these books! What a fun blogfest weekend!!

  5. LLL Reviews says:

    Congrats Lacey, you lucky duck. Enjoy!!

  6. Congrats to the winner! XD


  1. Vampire Babylon giveaway winner | Vampire Book Club | Halloween Supplies - [...] Vampire Babylon giveaway winner | Vampire Book Club T&#1211&#1077r&#1077 w&#1077r&#1077 a ton &#959f entries &#1110&#1495 &#959&#965r Vampire Babylon giveaway…
  2. http://porwait.com - Title... This is my Excerpt...

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