One of the joys of being a full-time writer is that my days are pretty varied—there’s no such thing as an average day. Doing circus-based entertainment work on the side also helps, as it means I get to balance introvert and extrovert activities (highly necessary). So this is sort of the melded version of my days. They’re not usually this packed; very often I will just lounge in pajamas from sunrise to sunset.
8:00AM – alarm goes off. Smack alarm off. Go back to sleep under guise of “I just need to curl over a second”
9:00AM – wake up for realzies, feel a little ashamed for sleeping in. Check email while still in bed because I have a mild addiction to information.
9:30AM – yoga! Wander down the block for a nice morning practice.
11AM – writing date! Run to a cafe after a quick breakfast for a few hours of writing with my Seattle author-mate, Danielle Dreger. Drink lots of coffee. Buy lots of sandwiches. Save all the receipts because this is a business meeting.
3PM – Event-managing gig! Head back home to change into something spiffy, then go to wherever the venue is. Probably somewhere classy I wouldn’t normally be invited to. Help performers set up—get dressing room in order, help stilt-walkers into their costumes, that sort of thing—then work with the client to ensure everything goes smoothly. Mingle with a lot of people who are in awe over the performers doing daredevil tricks and generally just being beautiful. Remember that my average day of work is pretty damn cool.
9PM – Head home. Ate at the gig so make a cup of tea and catch up on emails. By that, I mean put on Netflix (Fullmetal Alchemist? Parks & Rec? Archer? Depends on the day) and get sidetracked.
10:30PM – Think “I should go to bed.” One more episode.
11:30PM – “I should really go to bed.” Finish this episode. Maybe start….no!
Midnight – Go to bed. Read a bit. Journal.
Rinse and repeat.
This is a blog tour giveaway (a.k.a. this giveaway is posted a few other places), but it’s pretty sweet, so I suggest you still enter. One winner will receive a signed copy of Immortal Circus: Act Two and Immortal Circus: Final Act (+ Martyr swag, including stickers, bookmarks, a signed bookplate, and trading cards). Open to U.S. addresses only.
Thanks so much for being on this tour!!!
Love to have this book.
Alex is a funny guy! Thanks for sharing!