
July New Releases: Kresley Cole, Laurell K. Hamilton, Darynda Jones, Carrie Vaughn and more


MacRieve by Kresley Cole (Immortals After Dark #13)In an effort to help you keep that to-read list updated, I’ve compiled the hot urban fantasy and paranormal romance releases for July 2013. All dates are U.S. and tentative. Also: Click the title of any book to visit the Amazon page for pre-order or purchase goodness.

I’ve included genre classification with each book: UF is urban fantasy, PNR is paranormal romance, F is fantasy and YA is young adult.


Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda JonesJULY 9


  • The Midnight Heir by Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan (Bane Chronicles #4) YA
  • Replica by Jenna Black (Replica #1) YA


The Thing About Weres by Leigh EvansJULY 30

10 Responses to “July New Releases: Kresley Cole, Laurell K. Hamilton, Darynda Jones, Carrie Vaughn and more”

  1. Julie says:

    So many books to read but I’m most excited about the new addition to the Kate Daniels series. I love me some Curran!!

  2. CdnMrs says:

    It’s like July is shaking me down for cash. So many great books.
    Thanks so much for the list!

  3. dr susan says:

    Thank the gods for libraries!!

  4. Amy M says:

    July is a big month this year. Kate Daniels is on the top of my list. Anxiously awaiting that release!

  5. Thanks for the shout out, guys!!!! Lurve this site!

  6. Stephanie F. says:

    My bank account is going to be slim this month after all these releases. 🙂

  7. Anya says:

    I’m totally going broke this month!
    Can’t wait for the new Kate Daniels and Darynda’s books!
    Curran and Reyes! 🙂

  8. Gaëlle says:

    MAGIC RISES !!!!!! I need my fix of Kate and Curran !!! <3

  9. Ezisen says:

    You forgot to put Kristen Painter’s Last Blood on the list for the 30th.

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