
May 2021 New Releases: Chloe Neill, Maggie Stiefvater, Chelsea Mueller, Victoria Aveyard, Zen Cho, Alexandra Ivy, and more!

Shadowed Steel by Chloe Neill // VBC

In an effort to help you keep that to-read list updated, I’ve compiled the hot urban fantasy and paranormal romance releases for May 2021. All dates are U.S. and tentative. Also: Click the title of any book to visit the Amazon page for pre-order or purchase goodness. (Note: If you end up buying the book from one of these links, VBC will get a tiny bit of revenue to cover our overhead.)

I’ve included genre classification with each book: UF is urban fantasy, PNR is paranormal romance, F is fantasy, SF is science fiction, SFR is science fiction romance, FR is fantasy romance, H is horror, YA is young adult and NA is new adult.


Prom House by Chelsea Mueller // VBC

MAY 11

Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater // VBC

MAY 18

MAY 25

MAY 27

3 Responses to “May 2021 New Releases: Chloe Neill, Maggie Stiefvater, Chelsea Mueller, Victoria Aveyard, Zen Cho, Alexandra Ivy, and more!”

  1. Thankful says:

    Thank you for taking the time to make this list every month, really appreciated!

  2. Wrayth says:

    Did something happen? Is the list not being done anymore?

  3. Advertising says:

    This is a state of affairs: An individual needs to start out off a enterprise.

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