In an effort to help you keep that to-read list updated, I’ve compiled the hot urban fantasy and paranormal romance releases for May 2021. All dates are U.S. and tentative. Also: Click the title of any book to visit the Amazon page for pre-order or purchase goodness. (Note: If you end up buying the book from one of these links, VBC will get a tiny bit of revenue to cover our overhead.)
I’ve included genre classification with each book: UF is urban fantasy, PNR is paranormal romance, F is fantasy, SF is science fiction, SFR is science fiction romance, FR is fantasy romance, H is horror, YA is young adult and NA is new adult.
MAY 11
MAY 18
MAY 25
MAY 27
Thank you for taking the time to make this list every month, really appreciated!
Did something happen? Is the list not being done anymore?
This is a state of affairs: An individual needs to start out off a enterprise.