Blood Promise (Vampire Academy #4)
Richelle Mead
Published: 2009 (Razorbill)
Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon
Rating (out of 5): 5 stars
**While we tried to avoid specific spoilers for this particular book, events of the prior novels are referenced freely. **
I’ve said many times that Blood Promise is my favorite Vampire Academy novel. It’s actually in my favorite books altogether. I know many other VA fans have a hard time with this one. It’s emotionally raw and the pain is nothing short of visceral. And right there is why I love it.
Rose has to define herself in a new way. Has to be on her own. Has to fulfill promises. Has hopes, dreams dangled in front of her and has to make the hard choices of what’s right. The love in this book is brutal. Blood Promise will make you mad, make you cry and that last page will have your jaw hanging open. Any book that can churn such reactions will always find itself at the top of my favorite books list.
Because everyone has such strong feelings about Blood Promise, we’re turning this over to some of the Re-Read Challenge participants:
My favorite part of Blood Promise is when she finally sees Dimitri again, her struggle with her love for him, her need to free him and her addiction to the Strigoi bites is fascinating. The huge fight with him was pretty cool too, in fact all of her fights are pretty insane, it’s not until you compare her to other guardians and novices that you see how kick ass she really is. – Nachtangel
It’s a heart wrenching book. There is fresh pain and grief, and memories of the better times. The contrast is startling, both brought tears. And every read of Blood Promise has left me feeling very conflicted. It’s too painful for the book to be my favorite of the series, but it’s a very important book and very well done. I am always left impressed, sad, and with a slight queasy feeling about the final couple of chapters. I think its the right way for the book/series to go, but they didn’t, and still don’t, fit comfortably with me for some reason. – Cem from Cem’s Book Hideout
I have to say, though, I absolutely loved meeting Abe, Sydney, and Dimitri’s family. The whole aspect of Rose being in Russia was just awe-inspiring. If it weren’t for Rose being terrible to poor Adrian, and Dimitri rendering Rose useless, this would be my favorite book of the series. – Ashley
Adrian. This is the book where I really fell in love with his character. His chivalry toward Jill. His hurt at the way Rose continually turns him down. His concern for Lissa. The way his power is beginning to grow. All these things added up and made him more or a person and less of a two-dimensional party-boy. – Kelly from Reading the Paranormal
When I first read this I had the hardest time reading this book. I actually set it down after getting part way through and didn’t know if I could finish. I did finish and had a little glimmer of hope when it finished that maybe things would get better. – Nikki
Share your thoughts on Blood Promise in the comments below, and be sure add our Last Sacrifice chat to you calendar. All the details for the Dec. 4 chat can be found here.
I absolutely love Blood Promise, and it’s definitely my favorite book in the series.
I loved Dimitri from the first page in Vampire Academy, so I (of course) bawled my eyes out when I read the end of Shadow Kiss, and was desperatly hoping for Rose to find him in Russia…because I didn’t expect him to be that evil. But he was – oh boy, he was. And that’s what makes the book so amazing.
You get to see a really dark Dimitri whom I still loved SO MUCH though he had changed so drastically.
The fight scenes were amazing, Adrian is cute, Lissa is …well…Lissa and Christian – oh, Christian.
(Hey, sorry for grammar fails / spelling mistakes ect. I am from Denmark. 😉 Just though I’d share my opinion on the book w/ you!)
Haven’t read this series yet unfortunately and I won’t be able to get around to it until after the last book comes out. From the sounds of it though, it’s an amazing series so I can’t wait to read it!
Awe, I’m so geeky, but I was thrilled to see my review had been used! 😀
I’ve only read the first two books in this series but I loved them. So looking forward to reading more of this series
Aw, Chelsea you have put it beautifully! Maybe I’m a masochist but I love reading about such heightened suffering, it truly brings out a different quality of a story, and Richelle Mead did it wonderfully in Blood Promise. I loved Shadow Kissed and didn’t think the next book could be better, but Blood Promise was amazing! It was extraordinary because the whole book was so full of raw pain, emotional torture for Rose. It was so moving. I felt like my heart was squeezed inside my chest every time Dimitri showed his cruel side.
Mindblowing, loved it! :-))
Can not stand the wait! I am very anxious. I managed to read four chapters.
Continuing … managed to read four chapters of Last Sacrifice.
And it’s very good.