
Review: Demon Bewitched by Jenn Stark (Demon Enforcers #3)


Demon Bewitched by Jenn Stark // VBC ReviewDemon Bewitched (Demon Enforcers #3)
Jenn Stark
Published: March 18, 2019 (Elewyn Publishing)
Purchase at: Amazon
Review Source: Copy provided by the publisher in exchange for and honest review

Reviewed by: Amy

Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars

Note: While this book will be spoiler free, it will reference events from its prequel series. If you haven’t yet started the Immortal Vegas series, check out VBC’s review of Getting Wilde.

Stefan is the next member of the Syx up for redemption and, as the title Demon Bewitched might suggest, we find Stefan having to pose as the consort for the high priestess of the Scepter Coven who is gathering her power in order to defeat the age-old demon Ahriman as is foretold in their grimoire.

For as long as she can remember Cressida has been told she’s special, powerful. That she will lead the coven against Ahriman. But when she takes Stefan as one of her consorts in order to expand her power, she begins to question everything she’s ever been told.

Stefan finds himself drawn to the young witch who has been put in such a place of authority. Cressida reminds him of the reason why he became a demon in the first place and therefore he tries to keep his distance, get the job done, and earn his redemption. Which proves to be easier said than done.

Stefan has earned the place as my favorite member of the Syx—at least thus far. We didn’t really know much about the Syx, aside from Warrick, before this series began and I’ve enjoyed meeting and learning about each of them, but Stefan immediately just got my attention. He’s snarky and bold. He just has this pop of personality that jumps off the page and commands attention. Plus, he brings a much-needed reality check to Cressida, who kind of seems oblivious.

I’d say the thing that irked me the most was the off-feeling I got in regards to the coven. I mean from the very first page, as much as Stefan stood out, the coven also stood out for the fact that things just didn’t add up right. I felt like these were things right in front of Cressida’s face yet there’s little to no acknowledgement that something is wrong. It’s an interesting idea and I think that feeling of wrongness is intentional, but I just felt like, in the end, it still didn’t piece together well with how things wrap up. Almost like Cressida stumbles upon answers haphazardly as opposed to figuring things out on her own regardless of how much they might change her perception of the coven.

I liked the way that this book builds upon the varying ideas of what it means to be redeemed and how it has differed for each member of the Syx. I wish I could talk about Stefan’s exact case without giving any spoilers because it’s an interesting idea about belief and faith and accountability.

I enjoyed the application of the marriage of convenience trope in demon form in Demon Bewitched. I always love when I can spot a good trope and see how it can be used across genres. Stefan and Cressida’s early interactions are quite comical as they each make assumptions about one another that are off the mark. Stefan in taking Cressida’s youth as inexperience, and Cressida seeing Stefan’s demon self as horrendous. What brings them together is, at first, their common goal and from there they learn that assumptions are usually wrong.

I continue to enjoy this series apart from the Sara Wilde stories. With three more books to go, I’m even more interested in learning about the other members of the Syx and seeing where their redemption takes them in the end.

Sexual content: Sex

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