
Review: Immortally Yours by Lynsay Sands (Argeneau #26)


Immortally Yours by Lynsay Sands // VBC ReviewImmortally Yours (Argeneau #26)
Lynsay Sands
Published: Sept. 26, 2017 (Avon)
Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon
Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review

Reviewed by: Amy

Rating (out of 5): 4 stars

Note: While this review will be spoiler free, it will reference events from previous books. 

I think most everyone has had that crush. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that you secretly pine for from afar. The one that takes you days, weeks, months, years to talk to if you can ever muster the courage to tell them your feelings in the first place. If the timing is ever right.

Well, Cullen “Scotty” MacDonald has you all beat. He’s been waiting for Beth Argenis for 125 years! From the first moment he met her. The problem: Scotty and Beth first met when she had just gone through an extremely traumatic experience involving her change into an Immortal at the hands of a Rogue. He wants to give her time to heal from her past before throwing the whole Life Mate thing at her. Therefore, he keeps his distance. At least, as much as their sexually charged dream encounters will allow.

What Scotty doesn’t know is that Beth has been crushing on him just as long, but to her, his distancing read more like dislike than “give space.” And those dreams? Well, he is a very attractive man. Who wouldn’t fantasize?

Beth and Scotty are thrown together to help hunt Rogue Immortals. Scotty starts to think that it’s time to confess all to Beth, but first, their feelings will have to contend with a mysterious series of attacks aimed at Beth.

Immortally Yours was a pleasant departure from the previous story arc in the series. Although, events currently occurring in Venezuela somewhat effect what is going on in Northern America—specifically the shortage of Hunters—Immortally Yours makes for the perfect standalone read for which this series is known.

It’s been awhile in the series since both persons in the couple are Immortal at the start of the story, and have been for quite a while now. This made room for a little less of the overall historical backstory of Atlantis (don’t worry newcomers you still get the what’s what), and for a lot more room for Scotty and Beth’s backstories.

In Immortally Yours I like that both Scotty and Beth have lived. They’ve not always had the easiest or the best of lives. This is especially true for Beth, but her strength of character is one of the best things about this book. There were times that I wished their story spanned multiple books, but that is just not how Lynsay Sands rolls with this series, and to be honest, she does a good job of giving these characters a great love story contained just within the pages of this one book.

While the mystery aspect of the story revolving around who could possibly be targeting Beth kept me guessing until almost the end, once the big reveal came I was a little disappointed regarding the circumstances of why that person wanted to harm Beth. To me, the reasoning just seemed a bit too generic. I can’t be too picky because the romance is primarily the most important thing in this series, but I wanted a little more from this plotline.

I loved that Immortally Yours is a self-contained story. With the previous arc, Lynsay Sands would leave things open-ended, but I’m happy to say Immortally Yours has a most satisfying ending.

Sexual content: sex, references to rape, references to abuse

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