Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood #6)
J.R. Ward
Published: 2008 (Signet)
Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon
Rating (out of 5): 3 stars
Note: As with all our reviews, we may mention events of earlier novels but won’t spoil the book we’re reviewing. If you haven’t read the previous Black Dagger Brotherhood novels, please check our other reviews. The first book is Dark Lover.
At the end of Lover Unbound, Phury agreed to take Vishous’ place as the primale of the Chosen. The virgin brother agreed to marry the 40 women on the other side and make lots and lots of babies. So, you know, that’s going to go well. Phury brought his first mate Cormia over to the mortal side and has her living with the Brotherhood. The massive change is a bit much for her and she spends much of her time in her bedroom. The two rarely interact. He knows she was forced into this and he doesn’t want to be with someone who is being made to mate with him. Only Cormia really loves him. He wants her, but fights it. Instead he has John Matthew hang out with her in a platonic way.
While the previous BDB novel took a break from showing us the progression of things on the Lesser side, big things are happening with the slayers. We discover the Omega found a way to father a child, and had planted this one in with the vampires. Now, 25 years later, he will extract his vampire offspring and use him to fight against the vampires. No spoilers, but the choice here is befitting and loved this angle.
I thought I’d want to spend a whole novel with Phury. But between his scrimping on Brotherhood duties and Cormia’s toothpick-and-pea craft projects, he was my least favorite part of Lover Enshrined. That said, this novel is where I truly decided I needed to read more about John Matthew. And the Blay/Qhuinn dynamic is delicious.
Sexual content: Please, this is J.R. Ward. Graphic sexual content. Adults only.
Yea this one wasn’t my fave either , I was disappointed because I really was looking forward to Phury’s book .
I was well and truly immersed in J.R. Ward UNTIL this book. It. Was. So. Boring. *headdesk*
Understood. This is one of my shortest reviews, because, well, there just isn’t much to say. It wasn’t bad, but certainly wasn’t special. Spending time with John Matthew, Blay and Qhuinn kept me going, but I was ready to be done with Phury and Cormia.
Yeah I didn’t like the Phury/Cormia story as much as I had hoped. I did however love the John Matthew, Qhinn and Blay aspect of this story. I hope down the line J.R. devotes a book to Qhinn/Blay.
Yep, JM & Qhuay is what kept me going thru this one. I can’t remember w/out looking it up, but isn’t this the one where JM is drunk off his ass and goes to the restroom & Xhex comes in and he writes her the ‘note’ to read later? Yeah, that part cracks me up and is when I actually started liking those 2 together.
I loved Phury in the earlier books so I was bummed at just how boring this book was. Two passive people do not make a good couple. BUT – it was the beginning of Qhuay!!
I think I re-read this one JUST for that Qhuay scene where it all begins… and I love JM, too… I think that’s why I keep reading them… LOL for more Qhuay and JM… 🙂
I really enjoyed Phury…until this book. I was a little bummed over what JR did to V to get his HEA, but I was quite miffed at what happened with Phury. I felt he deserved a better story. Although I did like how it all ended.
I agree with you all but after re-reading it I think that this book is important because it really “turns” the whole series upside down….
Instead of just another hot romance (and some bad guys to make things difficult) we have a book that develops all characters involved. The hot Blay-Qhuinn thing as well as JM and even Rehvenge!!!!
We may have “lost” a hot couple but we have gained a really good future books.!
This was not one of my favs either. But I’m sure it’s difficult to do every single one of them justice. And like you I am always interested in all things JM, Qhinn and Blay. All I can say is Write ON J.R….we love you and the Brothers.