Sacrifice (Crave #2)
Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns
Published: Sept. 20, 2011 (Simon & Schuster)
Purchase at: Book Depository, B&N or Amazon
Rating (out of 5): 4 stars
Note: It is impossible to write this review without giving away big stuff from the first book. If you’re not up-to-date, please read my review of Crave instead.
Anyone who finished Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns’ Crave was dying to get their hands on Sacrifice the moment they finished the first book. That’s because the cliff hanger was brutal. The momentum of the first book built slowly to this OMG moment and then just… stopped. And I was staring at that final page wondering just what Shay had gotten into. You may remember, the half-human, half vampire girl ended up falling for the vampire her step-father abducted. Gabriel’s thoughts on humans (and hybrids) changed drastically when he fell in love with Shay. They were both on the run from her meglomaniac step-dad Martin, and Gabriel thought his vampire family’s home would be the safest place for her.
Sacrifice kicks off where Crave left off: Gabriel and Shay’s arrival at his family’s home. And — surprise! — his family has similar, if not stronger reactions to Shay as Gabriel did initially. By that I mean they think she’s an abomination and quickly lock her up. Gabriel has to pretend he’s not head-over-heels for her, in an attempt to show them how insane it is to fear her. He wants them to understand she’s family.
All does not go to plan. Shock after shock batters both Gabriel and Shay. They fight for their lives, for potential happiness, for their families. And from the first page, Sacrifice charges forward with breakneck speed. The plotting is quick and engaging. This book had me muttering “no” repeatedly, and that’s a compliment. It’s intense tale permeated with devoted love.
To say more would spoil it, but if you liked Crave, you will absolutely love Sacrifice. Plus, I can’t help but love Shay and Gabriel together.
Sexual content: References to sex, kissing
I was one of those that immediately wanted more when Crave ended and have never understood why Crave wasn’t a book that garnered more attention. Good to know that Sacrifice continues where Crave left off and cannot wait to read this one myself.
Great review! I loved this one! Gabriel and Shay totally warmed my heart! Hope this isn’t the end of the series, since I enjoy their characters so much!
I loved this sequel to CRAVE. Melinda and Laura brought everything together in a realistic way. Thank you for your review.
I craved more after reading Crave
i borrowed it from my school library and it was awesome!!!!! i loved shay in crave and Gabriel. idk when i am and how i am going to get my hands on Sacrifice
but i would recommmend this to any reader who isn’t in for the Twilight zone
it’s not like boring “twilight” read crave today, it is awesome
I love the book Crave i was hooked when i read the first chapter i wanted to know why was she so sick i didnt know she was half vampire and when she found him on the table i knew she had to had been given Gabriel blood to have the vision of his life
I just got the book sacrafice today at the library you need to make a book three they are awesome