
Group Read chat and poll for September read

Group Read chat and poll for September read We’re getting all our ducks in a row for the Fall into (Urban) Fantasy event, but that doesn’t mean we’re skipping out on the monthly Group Read. We want to talk Ill Wind by Rachel Caine (review). Join us on Saturday, Aug. 27, at 1 p.m. CST for a chat on all things djinn, Joanne and David. The Ill Wind discussion chat will be held on Twitter at 1 p.m. CST on Saturday, Aug. 27. We’ll tag the conversation...

Group Read: Dead to the World chat on June 30

Group Read: Dead to the World chat on June 30 We’re ready for tomorrow’s premiere of True Blood’s season 4. We’re also nervous because we so very much love Charlaine Harris’ Dead to the World, on which the season is loosely based. Regardless if you’re a fan of the TV show, too, we want to chat about the novel. This month’s group read gave us Sookie Stackhouse becoming more ingrained in the supernatural world, getting tougher and getting busy with a...

Group Read Discussion: Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione

Group Read Discussion: Pleasure Unbound by Larissa Ione Note: To those who have yet to read Pleasure Unbound, the comments here will most certainly contain spoilers. We encourage you to read our spoiler-free review of the novel instead. Because we were so busy with Alpha Showdown and, you know, life, we were unable to hold a group read chat on Twitter this week. So, instead we’re going to have an all-weekend discussion here on the site. We’ll use the comments...

Group Read: Succubus Blues chat and May poll

Group Read: Succubus Blues chat and May poll We always enjoy diving into the Richelle Mead’s writing, and in re-reading her first Georgina Kincaid novel Succubus Blues for the April group read we remembered why this series is so fun. Georgina is Mead’s heroine who really wants to be normal. She wants to love. And meeting Seth all over again? Oh, we loved it. And we want to talk about all that, plus Roman (!), the crew at the bookstore and a certain...

Group Read: Join us Feb. 28 to discuss Nightshade

Group Read: Join us Feb. 28 to discuss Nightshade You know we loved this month’s group read, but we’re pretty sure the discussion is going to be fantastic. Andrea Cremer’s Nightshade has some great substance for us to talk about — the way she created the pack, strong women and mostly the big division between those who think Ren is ideal and those of us who adore Shay. Even in our love triangle discussion post, we heard from those who didn’t get the...

Group Read: Join us Jan. 29 for the Halfway to the Grave chat

Group Read: Join us Jan. 29 for the Halfway to the Grave chat We love Jeanine Frost’s writing, and we’re looking forward to finding out if you feel the same. This month’s group read was her first book in the Night Huntress series, Halfway to the Grave. Whether you’re a long-time Cat and Bones fan, or you just took your first step into the series, we want to talk about Halfway to the Grave. The humor, the chemistry between Cat and Bones, the ‘Red Reaper’, all of it....

Mark Your Calendars: Last Sacrifice Chat Dec. 4

Mark Your Calendars: Last Sacrifice Chat Dec. 4 We’ve made no secret about how excited we are for the release of the final Vampire Academy novel Last Sacrifice. We’re hosting a re-read challenge (you still have time to join in and get entered for sweet prizes) and have loved reading your reactions to each book. But now it’s time to speculate. Join us Dec. 4 — just a few days before the Dec. 7 release of Richelle Mead’s Last Sacrifice — to talk about...

Vampire Academy chat and maybe a Last Sacrifice release party(?)

Vampire Academy chat and maybe a Last Sacrifice release party(?) Wow! We had a great turnout for last night’s Vampire Academy group read chat. Author Richelle Mead even poked in for a few minutes. We weren’t able to squeeze any Last Sacrifice tidbits out of her, but she did say the book is like a weapon. We totally buy that. You can view the transcript from last night’s #VBC03 chat on Twitter here. Considering how many of you really wanted to speculate about what will...

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