
January New Releases: Jeaniene Frost, Jaime Rush, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Pamela Palmer, Delilah S. Dawson and more!

January New Releases: Jeaniene Frost, Jaime Rush, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Pamela Palmer, Delilah S. Dawson and more! In an effort to help you keep that to-read list updated, I’ve compiled the hot urban fantasy and paranormal romance releases for January 2014. All dates are U.S. and tentative. Also: Click the title of any book to visit the Amazon page for pre-order or purchase goodness. I’ve included genre classification with each book: UF is urban fantasy, PNR is paranormal romance, F is fantasy and YA is young adult....

Exclusive Excerpt from Jaime Rush’s Dragon Awakened (& Giveaway)

Exclusive Excerpt from Jaime Rush’s Dragon Awakened (& Giveaway) Ready for a taste of something new? Jaime Rush’s Dragon Awakened released this Tuesday. It’s the first in her The Hidden series. Expect sexy alphas, dragon shifters and all sorts of paranormal romance goodness. Find out for yourself by checking out the exclusive excerpt here at VBC. And we can’t resist including a giveaway after sharing a taste of the book. See the Rafflecopter widget at the end of the...

Review: The Darkness Within & Turn to Darkness (Offspring novellas)

Review: The Darkness Within & Turn to Darkness (Offspring novellas) The Darkness Within & Turn to Darkness (Offspring novellas) Jaime Rush Published: June & Sept. 2012 (Avon Impulse) Purchase at: Amazon Reviewed by Jo Rating (out of 5): a combined 4 stars You could read The Darkness Within and Turn to Darkness as stand alones, as each have an individual plot and separate romantic storyline. However, there is an overlapping story arc making them feel more like two halves...

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