
Top 10 Most Popular VBC Reviews

Top 10 Most Popular VBC Reviews I’ve had a higher-than-usual number of book recommendation requests on the VBC Facebook page and via Twitter of late. While I can, of course, just point you to the recommendations section, I decided to take a look at the most popular reviews here at VBC. Consider this post your quick access to the books reviews VBC readers found helpful. TOP 10 MOST POPULAR VBC REVIEWS Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris...

Review: Sacrifice by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns (Crave #2)

Review: Sacrifice by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns (Crave #2) Sacrifice (Crave #2) Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns Published: Sept. 20, 2011 (Simon & Schuster) Purchase at: Book Depository, B&N or Amazon Rating (out of 5): 4 stars Note: It is impossible to write this review without giving away big stuff from the first book. If you’re not up-to-date, please read my review of Crave instead. Anyone who finished Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns’ Crave was dying to get...

Giveaway: Sacrifice by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns

Giveaway: Sacrifice by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns Last year I read Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns’ Crave, a YA vampire tale with plenty of romance and twists. If you loved it as much as I did, you’re going to be excited as I have three copies of its sequel Sacrifice to give away to VBC readers! Here’s the official blurb on Sacrifice: “Gabriel and Shay are convinced that they can make their relationship work. Knowing that Shay is half-vampire, Gabriel...

Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2010

Vampire Book Club’s Best Books of 2010 This year we fell in love with several new authors, found new series and even decided we could really get into steampunk. We’ve narrowed the list down to these gems. All the books on this list are ones we’ve told friends, family and random people at the bookstore about. These are the books we tell you are musts for your to-read piles. As a matter of fact, print it out and make it a checklist. We were...

Review: Crave by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns

Review: Crave by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns Crave Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns Published: Sept. 21, 2010 Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon Rating (out of 5): 4 stars I can’t help but wonder if Melinda Metz or Laura J. Burns was ever the ‘Sick Girl’ in school, because they hit that one right on the head with their lead character in Crave. I’ve been trying to decide if I loved this book because it’s a fantastic novel or because I connected so...

September releases (a.k.a. update your TBR list)

September releases (a.k.a. update your TBR list) We were updating our to-be-read list and realized just how many noteworthy titles are being released in September. Honestly, we were a little blown away. With this many books on deck, we all might benefit from a couple week’s time to prioritize. September release highlights are as follows (we know we’re forgetting several, so please add in the comments!): * denotes books currently on our review list. If...

Contest Roundup: Crave, Blood Law, Greywalker

Contest Roundup: Crave, Blood Law, Greywalker This week’s contests include YA, paranormal romance, urban fantasy and all filled with strong women we like as heroines and several with hot guys on the cover (not that it matters…). International readers, rejoice: We have contests for you, too, this week. We launched a new contest this week. We have two copies of the new (and rather inventive) YA vampire novel Crave by Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns to...

Closed Giveaway: Crave by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns

Closed Giveaway: Crave by Melinda Metz & Laura J. Burns Itching for a new young adult vampire novel? Then, lucky you, Vampire Book Club is giving away two copies of Crave by Melinda Metz and Laura J. Burns. Here’s the official skinny: Shay has always been different—and she is about to find out why. Shay could never do the things her friends could—never try out for sports, never go to parties, never fall in love. Because of the mysterious and incurable blood...

Contest Roundup: Hunger Games edition

Contest Roundup: Hunger Games edition Because we’re really excited for Mockingjay, the final chapter in the Hunger Games trilogy, to be released later this month, we’re giving the first two spots to Hunger Games-related contests. (Related: Waiting on Wednesday: Mockingjay) Win all three books in the Hunger Games trilogy — The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay — from Supernatural Snark. The contest is open through Aug. 17. Only open...

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