
Review: The Shattered Court by M.J. Scott (Four Arts #1)

Review: The Shattered Court by M.J. Scott (Four Arts #1) The Shattered Court (A Novel of the Four Arts #1) M.J. Scott Published: April 28, 2015 (Roc) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review Reviewed by Amanda Rating (out of 5): 4 stars Lady Sophia Kendall is days away from her twenty-first birthday—the day she’ll come into her powers, if she has any. She’s out running errands with Lieutenant...

Review: Fire Kin by M.J. Scott (Half-Light City #4)

Review: Fire Kin by M.J. Scott (Half-Light City #4) Fire Kin (Half-Light City #4) M.J. Scott Published: May 6, 2014 (Roc) Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon Review source: Purchased Rating (out of 5): 4 stars Reviewed by Amanda Note: While this review will be spoiler free, it does assume you’ve read the previous books in the series. Change has come to the Half-Light City, and almost none of it is good. The Veiled Queen is dead, the treaty between the...

Review: Iron Kin by M.J. Scott (Half-Light City #3)

Review: Iron Kin by M.J. Scott (Half-Light City #3) Iron Kin (Half-Light City #3) M.J. Scott Published: April 2, 2013 (ROC) Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon Reviewed by: Amanda Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars A mark of a great book is when I finish reading it and get pissed the next one isn’t immediately available. In Iron Kin we return to the Half-Light City and the DuCaine family. Saskia’s a metalmage and the oldest daughter, escaping the trappings of...

Two Giveaway Thursday: Emily McKay and M.J. Scott

Last week I offered up hardback copies of the latest books from Jim Butcher and Karen Marie Moning. This week I have two more great titles for lucky VBC readers. I have paperback copies of Emily McKay’s debut The Farm and M.J. Scott’s great urban fantasy Blood Kin from her Half-Light City series to giveaway this week. Enter for one or both using the Rafflecopter forms below. You have one week to enter—you...

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