If you read our February new releases post, it’s no surprise there are so many excellent books released each month. VBC’s review team needs a few more people to be able to cover all the best ones.
That’s right: Vampire Book Club is growing. Our blog readers know how to keep it fun, and we expect you know our goal is to help all our readers find the books they’ll love. If you want to help us do so, now’s the time to apply.
It’s an unpaid, voluntary position. You’ll get early access to books (mostly digital, so do keep that in mind), though, and the chance to be a part of an active reading community. Also: Fun.
Still interested? Awesome.
Send the following to Chelsea at chelsea@vampirebookclub.net. It may take us some time to respond to everyone, so please be patient. (You also might hear from Jo instead of Chelsea, because she’s the reviews editor.)
1. Genres you’re willing to review: Paranormal romance, urban fantasy, young adult and/or fantasy
2. What is your go-to book recommendation?
3. Who are your five favorite authors?
4. A sample review. This should be 400-600 words long. You can paste this into the body of your email or post it to Goodreads and send the link. Either way, we want to read your review.