
Alpha Showdown FINAL ROUND: Jace vs. Barrons


VBC Presents: ALPHA SHOWDOWN 2011It’s been a bloody two weeks. We’ve seen an angel fall, a necromancer sent to the grave, vampires drained and even a Beast Lord left in pieces. And now only two alphas are left standing: Jace Wayland from Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments series and Jericho Z. Barrons from Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series.

Before we kick off this battle, thank you. We always enjoy your comments and your interaction here at Vampire Book Club, and we can tell you had just as much fun with this Showdown as we did. And that rules. Today is our one-year anniversary of starting Vampire Book Club. Expect a separate post with highlights and one hella awesome giveaway.

To those of you who are new, we hope you’ll stick around after we announce the winner. We keep things pretty fun around here with features, reviews and author interviews, and your comments have been a blast to read.

All right. Enough of the sappy stuff. It’s time for a bloody, to-the-death battle between the YA hottie with angel blood and the enigmatic, powerful antihero.

The round is open for 48 hours. This means we’ll announce the Alpha Showdown 2011 champion on Friday, June 3. We will have a giveaway of books featuring characters from the Showdown. Take note.


City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra ClareJace Wayland

You know him from: The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
First appeared in: City of Bones (review | get a copy)
Supernatural status: Shadowhunter

Championing for Jace: Ash from Smash Attack Reads

Snarky, Sexy, Steadfast Shadowhunter. Ok, so he’s not quite legal, but this matters nada to me! Jace is the epitome of awesome, in my eyes. Yes, he can be a downright pompous ass, and if you don’t appreciate witty sarcasm, then he will piss you off in a quick minute. His witty banter about himself provided some of the best lines of the series.

What I love about his narcissistic personality is the obviousness of it all: He acts this way to hide his true emotions. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s no doubt he truly thinks he’s hot shit (and, he is), but it is a complete defense mechanism. Beneath his animated exterior is a young man who is constantly suffering from his past experiences and lets out his feelings in the form of rage and vengeance.

His fighting skills are damn superb and he doesn’t let anyone forget that. :) His hard shell softens up after he becomes comfortable with Clary, and he finds himself feeling a new emotion. *swoon* Since he feels everything so intensely, his love for Clary is deep and powerful. And while Jace has some unlikeable qualities, he isn’t complete devoid of commendable ones.

He is strong, intelligent, fearless (not always a great quality!) and completely protective of Izzy and Alec, his “brother and sister”. Physically, Jace is perfecto! He uses his stele to apply magical runes all over his skin. Think seriously hot tattoos, ladies! He’s tall with lean muscle, wavy gold hair and long eyelashes. And, let us not forget that he has Angel blood running through his veins…

Jace has defeated: Dimitri Belikov, Anita Blake and Bones

Shadowfever by Karen Marie MoningJericho Z. Barrons

You know him from: The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning
First appeared in: Darkfever (review| get a copy)
Supernatural status: Wouldn’t you like to know? Just accept he’s ‘other’

Championing for Barrons: Bells from Hanging with Bells

BARRONS! This one word says it all. Just by seeing or reading his name causes women everywhere to conjure up images of red satin sheets, crimson and black tattoos, and dark and dirty seductive thoughts.  These thoughts run rampant when thinking of Barrons. Why is he the ultimate alpha? He is carnal. He is an animal. You want to be ravaged by him. He knows this, and so he has lots of swagger. He knows that you want him and he knows that you can’t handle him. He will be too much and not enough at the same time. He messes with your mind and afterwards he leaves you speechless and wanting more. You can never have too much of Barrons.

To put it all in a nutshell, Barrons is very dangerous. He’s been around for a long time and is a natural leader. Everyone fears him including the very powerful Fae. He cannot be defeated and trust me you want to be on his team. He is sin incarnate all wrapped up into the body of one man. Barrons does what he wants, says what he wants, and doesn’t care what you think or if your feeling are hurt. He is one bad mofo!

Barrons has defeated: King Dorian, Curran and Kate Daniels

In case you missed it above: We’ll announce the Alpha Showdown 2011 champion on Friday, June 3. We will also have a giveaway of books featuring characters from the Showdown. Take note.

250 Responses to “Alpha Showdown FINAL ROUND: Jace vs. Barrons”

  1. iluvsushi says:

    Very few comments on here any more from the Jace supporters. Sorry for you that your favorite character had to lose this one, but Barrons is the ultimate ALPHA MALE and over 4,000 votes tells the story about how passionate the Moning Maniacs are about our JZB. It is hard to describe what Barrons is since he has no label. He is strong, commanding, electric, volatile, lustful, sexy, domineering, humorous, opinionated, energetic, advisor, teacher/trainer, . When he kisses you, he leaves you breathless and you don’t care if take another breath. Quote from Bloodfever: Being touched by Jericho Barrons with kindness makes you feel like you must be the most special person in the world. It’s like walking up to the biggest, most savage lion in the jungle, lying down, placing your head it its mouth and, rather than taking your life, it licks you and purrs.” Quote from Shadowfever about Barrons: “Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you’d follow them straight into hell, just to keep getting your fix.” These are quotes from Mac and that’s pretty much the way the Moning Maniacs feel about Barrons.

  2. Clare says:

    P.S. Apparently Jamie Campbell Bower has been cast as Jace in the Mortal Instruments movie. What a pretty … BOY.

    • Sobriquet says:

      Why don’t we ever see movies from the ADULT Urban Fantasy field?

      • Khadivh says:

        because adults would never accept the fact that their books have been raped by hollywood, that’s why. Movies ruin the best part of books, and if you do see your favorite books made into movies, it changes your perspective on them. The best books dont need a film adaptation because everyone can use their imaginations(omg adults have those? surprise!) to visualize their own conceptions of a particular scene. this explains why some movie adaptations do well(Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code) and others do horrible( The Queen of the Damned, and in my opinion the whole Twilight series…books were much better than the movies, unfortunately they were repetitive, bland, and too utopian for my tastes)

        besides, you shouldn’t complain. In an author’s mind, it is better to speak of their shortcomings and critique something than it is to sing praise. we simply learn from our mistakes and failures much better than successes.

    • Ash says:

      It’s exciting!!!! I can’t wait to see him portray Jace!

  3. Sobriquet says:

    Barrons won! Huzzah! Not that there was any doubt in my mind. He couldn’t possibly lose to someone that has to worry about getting detention. Detain Barrons? Try it. I double dog dare you. 😀

    • Khadivh says:

      they tried to give Jace detention as well, in City of Ashes. he escaped from that as well. nice try on insulting him though. seems centuries alive doesn’t give you much reason to have a quick wit or, for that matter, to study your opponents.

      true enough, Barrons is the better Alpha. but then again, it is a popularity contest. everyone knows he wouldn’t truely care to win something as frivolous as this. Barrons would just annahilate everyone and be done with the showdown before it even begins

  4. j3nny says:

    I need me some Barrons. I’ll just have to re-read the Fever series till KMM updates ;).

  5. KJ says:

    Oddly, I kept envisioning this as a showdown between Spartacus and…Peter Pam! Was there ever any other consideration? Mo one cam out-alpha JZB!

  6. sini says:

    Barrons is the ultimate Alpha… so its no surprise that he won 😀
    I am now eagerly waiting to read what KMM writes 😛

  7. Bella says:

    There was never any doubt BARRONS would win. He IS the ULTIMATE ALPHA!!!

  8. Kasiiia says:

    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Barrons ;D

  9. Julie says:

    wow how to choose, how to choose between my two fav anti-heroes of all time! I think Barrons ultimately won because he is too darn sexy for his own good, plus we never get to see Jace show all sides of himself due to the YA category he’s stuck in

  10. jedipam says:

    Too awesome about JZB!!!!!!!!!
    I’m re-reading Shadowfever and I am aware than ever how awesome, awesome this series is 🙂
    Jericho Barrons is definitely the ultimate Alpha male!

  11. Lynda says:

    OK, didn’t know there was a contest. As usual the best won. Barron’s, of course. What does the Z stand for? Do I need to read it a third time to find out? And, when is the next book coming out? Like some of you, don’t know how this could be translated to the big screen, but wish there was a way… Barron’s…..Jason Mamoa? what do you think??

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