
Love letter to Atticus O’Sullivan (Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid Chronicles)


From VBC: When I interviewed Kevin Hearne, I asked if he knew the hero of his urban fantasy series would be seen as a hottie. It certainly wasn’t his intention, but as this character love letter shows, I’m not alone in recognizing the swoon-factor of the 2,100-year-old druid Atticus O’Sullivan.

Hounded by Kevin Hearne (Iron Druid #1)Dear Atticus,

I first experienced your hotness when I saw you on the cover of Hounded, sword on your back, curls in disarray, and chiseled features looking intently into the distance. You knew bad mojo was coming, and you were ready for it. I could tell. You stormed onto the urban fantasy scene with your laid-back ways and stole the hearts of so many readers, but it can’t compare to how you stole mine.

Yes, I realize you’re a 2,100+ year-old Druid, and you might wonder how compatible you’d be with me. We don’t need to worry about that right now. You need a strong woman that can handle 2,000 years of baggage, weird neighbors, Viking vampire and werewolf lawyers and the myriad magical menaces that come your way. For that, I’m your girl. I’m also a sucker for a man that loves his dog, and I’ll be happy to groom your Irish Wolfhound Oberon and take him for long walks while you’re away fighting all sorts of baddies. Stand by your man is my motto, and I take it very, very seriously.

But I’m not a stalker, oh no! Jealousy issues? Not me! I realize that during your adventures, you may come across all manner of fae beauties, but I know you’re a one woman man, so I don’t have anything to worry about, right? I mean, the devastatingly beautiful death goddess Morrigan, and the fiery huntress Flidais have nothing on me. Yes, they’re blindingly beautiful, long lived (old) and know how do all that magic stuff, blah blah blah, but it’s really a mortal that you want, and I know that you only have eyes for me.

So, what do you say? We can soak up the Arizona sun, drink a few pints at Rula Bula, and I’ll hold your sword anytime you want, ‘cause I realize all that magic slinging sometimes requires a hands free approach. You can certainly save the hands on approach for me, my strong, handsome Druid.

With lots of love
Your sweetheart,
My Bookish Ways

Haven’t met Atticus?
As the protagonist of the Iron Druid Chronicles, you meet Atticus immediately in the first novel, Hounded.


Kevin Hearne is a great guy. As proof, he’s offered to sign an early copy of his fourth Iron Druid novel Tricked for one VBC reader. Now, the winner won’t get the book until early April, but it’ll still arrive before the release date signed by Kevin. Pretty awesome, right? Make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Contest closes March 4.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

12 Responses to “Love letter to Atticus O’Sullivan (Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid Chronicles)”

  1. Lovely letter to “my” dreamy Atticus.
    Awesome giveaway, thank you for the opportunity.

  2. Missie says:

    Goddesses have nothing on mortal women! Atticus can add me to his list of potential mortal women to wed or bed…. Yes, I’d happy have 70+ babies with him. LOL

  3. dropped my coffee cup when I saw this giveaway. Sign me up.

  4. Denisetwin says:

    LOVE Atticus, cool giveaway, thanks!

  5. erinf1 says:

    I love this series! But… my heart belongs to Oberon 🙂 And yes, Atticus is awesome and hawt and fantastic and… ok… you convinced me… I’m sooooo looking forward to book 4. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  6. Sharon Ames says:

    So excited about this giveaway. BTW love the cover

  7. Julie Witt says:

    Atticus has been my favorite book boyfriend since the first time I read Hounded!! My birthday is in April so winning this giveaway and getting the book in April would be an awesome birthday present!! LOL Thanks so much for the giveaway and for the letter 🙂

  8. Liz Semkiu says:

    This is an awesome series! So glad book 4 is coming out soon! Thanks for the giveaway.

  9. Vicki says:

    Ah yes, I love me some Atticus!

  10. Linda F. says:

    Ah yes, Atticus Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Harry Dresden Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. Sunday, of course, is a day of rest!

  11. JanArrah says:

    Nuu! Atticus is MINE! MINE! lol

  12. Poppy Fields says:

    This is really clever and I agree with every word!

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