To say we were surprised by the response we received to our favorite vampire authors poll would be an understatement. The comments provide a few interesting discussions, with book suggestions and a debate on Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. The poll results have three clear favorites: Richelle Mead, Charlaine Harris and Hamilton.
The No. 1 thing we took away: Our blog readers had different favorites than our Twitter followers. (We made the shortlist for the poll from suggestions via Twitter.) With so many excellent authors added both in the “other” field and through the comments, we’d be remiss if we didn’t give them attention.
We can’t say we recommend all the authors you suggested, either because we aren’t fans of their work or because we haven’t read it yet. However, we’re happy to highlight the top 10 recommendations below (and we’ll denote the ones with the Vampire Book Club seal of approval).
1. Stephenie Meyer
You thought we were nuts for leaving the woman who brought us Twilight off the list. She definitely created a new type of vampire that spurred discussion among vampire fans, and introduced many new readers to genre fiction.
2. Rachel Caine
Caine’s cheeky Morganville Vampires series is fun and refreshing. The first book, Glass Houses, is a bit heavy on the world-building, but stick with it. As we said in our review of Glass Houses/Dead Girls Dance: “Rachel Caine has created characters we can root for and a broad world in which the opportunities for plot points are vast.”
3. L.J. Smith
We’re not on the L.J. Smith bandwagon, so instead we’re offering up the synopsis for the first Vampire Diaries novel. (We do love the TV show, though, especially the deliciously wicked Ian Somerhalder.)
The Awakening (Vampire Diaries #1):
Elena Gilbert is a pretty, popular teen who was orphaned when her parents were killed in an accident. Despite the tragedy, her life has always been normal and wholesome. Until the beginning of the school year, when two new vampire brothers show up to shake the peaceful universe at Robert E. Lee High.
4. Sherrilyn Kenyon
The Dark Hunter series is one of those that is perpetually on our to be read list. If this many of you suggest it, though, we’re moving it up. Expect a review of the first title, Fantasy Lover, in the near future.
Additionally, her new young adult series Chronicles of Nick keeps drawing our attention. We’ll see about moving its first title, Infinity, up the TBR list as well.
Readers, no one said favorite titles by Kenyon. Guide us on this one in the comments, if you’re so inclined.
5. Jim Butcher
Crime solving. Magic. Tons of paranormal goodness. Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series, which is now on book 12, is gritty and engaging. We’re going to start posting reviews of Dresden Files books this fall. The first title in this series is Storm Front.
6. Claudia Gray
We feel a little badly that we haven’t written about the Evernight series on the blog. When we first saw another young adult series set at a school with vampires, we were hesitant, but plowed on anyway. So very happy we did. Claudia Gray has a talent for maintaining tension through the series and surprising you with twists.
The latest in the series, Hourglass, was our favorite so far. If you like romance with obstacles like “we’re trying to kill each other’s families” and a world with vampires, slayers and wraiths, get in on Evernight.
7. Melissa de la Cruz
We can’t decide if we want to read Melissa de la Cruz’s Blue Bloods series. It looks like this one is either a love it or hate it type series, with both sides telling us it’s “kind of like Gossip Girl with vampires.”
View the Blue Bloods trailer below, and tell us, should we read it?
8. Christine Feehan
We don’t typically do the straight-forward romance, so we haven’t given Christine Feehan’s Carpathians series a go. Readers, can you give us some kindred authors, so we can get a feel if we could enjoy it? If so, we’ll add her books into the review mix.
Synopsis for Dark Prince (Carpathians #1):
He came to her in the night, a predator — strength and power chiseled his features. The seduction was deep and elemental; he affected her soul. His need. His darkness. His terrible haunting loneliness. Her senses aroused, she craved the dangerous force of his body. Burned for him. And he had only touched her with his mind.
She came to him at dawn, his bleakest hour. As the beast raged inside him, threatening to consume him, he vented his centuries-old despair in an anguished cry that filled the waning night. And she answered, a ray of light, piercing his darkness. A beautiful angel. Her compassion, courage, and innocence awakened in him an exquisite longing and tenderness. He knew he must possess her, for only she could tame his savage side and lift the dark shadow from his soul. Apart they were desolate, bereft. Intertwined physically and spiritually, they could heal one another and experience an eternity of nights filled with love.
9. Bram Stoker
Yes, we love Dracula. Back in our college days we took a Gothic literature course and Dracula was one of the key books. (My lit professor was obsessed with Dracula, so we delved into mythology, themes and the like, and I must admit it made me fall farther in love with the classic.)
10. Poppy Z. Brite
We haven’t seen any of Poppy Z. Brite’s vampire novels. So, we’re turning this one back on you guys. Her name just made it into the top 10, but there should be enough of you to give us a good suggestion.
Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll, offered up other excellent authors or joined in the discussion in the comments.
Now, here’s a list of all the other authors suggested in the poll (in no particular order): Kresley Cole, Maggie Shayne, Katie MacAlister, Lili St. Crow, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Robin McKinley, Lara Adrian, Christopher Golden, Barb & J.C. Hendee, Carrie Vaughn, Jess Battis, Kelley Armstrong, PN Elrod, DD Barant, JF Lewis, Guillermo del Toro, Justin Cronin, Christopher Farnsworth, Cherie Priest, Ilona Andrews, Sergei Lukyanenko, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Christine Warren, Jennifer Rardin, Mary Janice Davidson, Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter, Alyxandra Harvey, Molly Harper, Kimberly Pauley, Nalini Singh, Gena Showalter, Stephen King and Tanya Huff.
So many great ones on that poll, I could never have narrowed it down:)
Well. i am sorry, granted yes there are a few great writers on the list, but to see any List refering to top vampire anything that does not have Anne Rice in it. well. make me really think was there an actual poll to get these results. or is this just a clever way to advertise other artist……….. And as for Charlaine Harris.. well. calls her books Sookie Stackhouse……….. i call them He said, she said.. i said.. and i wonder if she has ghost writers writing the books.. cause one book will not link with the books before….. but the biggest that annoyed me. book 3 i think it was Sookie and Alcide was thinking of something that happened 15 years ago. and she says yes i was only 9 then… but she would have been 11.. cause Sookie is 26 up till book 6 if i remember right. but as i sit hear reading book 9. talking trash about all the others books.. i do still love her imagination. and i read them as long as she writes them
vampires live forever so maybe they judge years different than us mortals…
I think it’s obvious that the author never read anything by Brian Lumley. He created vampires unlike anything you’ve ever read. Read ‘The Aerie’, book one of a trilogy, and I promise you your top ten will change. I’m a fan of the horror genre and like vampires most of all. Do yourself a favor and pick up a Lumley novel. You won’t stop until you’ve read all 20 or 30 of them.
How about Charline Harris
I haven’t read L. J. Smith’s series yet, so I have no info on that. I have read the Night Hunters series by Kenyon, and they are entertaining, but not of the same quality as some of the others mentioned. I’ve read a few of Christine Feehan’s Carpathian books, but I didn’t like them…which is surprising because I love her Ghost Walker series. The Dresden Files series is amazing! Have been reading them for years, and still love Butcher’s characters and world.
Hope that helps someone! lol
I love Sherrilyn Kenyon´s Dark Hunter series and have Infinity waiting for me. Great list, there are a few author I´ll be reading in the future, especially Jim Butcher.
The Carpathian novels are by far the best read
Hey!!! I personally love Richelle Mead
We gave you an award 🙂
you SHOULD read melissa de la cruz because its NOT just like gossip girl or anything near it. it has a real solid story and it gets you talking and discussing the book consistently and its not something vapid like everything else out there. Sherrilyn kenyon is great for the wit and the “make out” sessions but i feel like she’s running out of characters since most of them have all gotten out of their contracts. Rachel Caine is another good read. easy and its not ALWAYS about the love like stepehenie meyer’s twilight saga. L.J. Smith seems to do better translated in tv script rather than reading her. she’s a bit tedious. THE BLUE BLOOD series has so much more than pretty clothes and name dropping instances. Its about the mythology and the good & evil dichotomy, about the struggle to know and understand the grander things in life. she has so much more than a pretty picture on her books. its WORTH reading. but that’s just me, ja?
I agree with LizzieGo, you should definitely read Melissa De La Cruz, the books are extremely well written, you don’t end up lost or turning pages back to try and figure out what you missed. The stories are multifaceted with some very intriguing plots. Lots of excitement, a beautiful yet believable world. You have a really hard time putting them down and there is quite a bit of tension among several different characters, who by the way are just about all equally exciting, not just the heroine/hero. Like I say the books very thought provoking and worth your time, they will be a favorite.
Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series is one of my favorites. Acheron is my favorite book in the series, but you really do need to read all the previous books before to fully comprehend the story and title character. The series is huge, already around twenty books, and only on the second arc. There are supposed to be four arcs total, each with around fifteen books. I wouldnt recomend this series if you dont plan to seriously invest your time in it. It is getting slightly repetetive, you know that the main characters of each book will start out being not sure about each other, falling for each other, fighting some major obstacle, usually one character sacrificing themself for the other, and ultimately living happily ever after. The only reason i keep reading is because each character is intriguing in their own way. Also, besides Acheron, the only other characters who have a true journey are Fang and Aimee. Their story spans many books and is filled with tourment. It is a series worth reading if you like predictable stories that wont leave you broken hearted, but at times it is an effort.
Why the is no Anne Rice?
Charlaine Harris should definitely be in the top 10.
J.R. Ward’s ‘Brotherhood’ novels. Ooh, Momma! A slighly different take on the origins of vampires and a very different enemy make these good reads.
you should absolutely read the BLUE BLOODS series…they are amazing books….her take on vampires is one i’ve never before seen, and it’s very interesting…the characters are great, and so is the plot. it’s got a little of, action, mystery. love love love!! i’m a twilight fan i must admit, although i don’t think stephanie myer is at all a good writer..she just had a great concept. and the movies are HORRIBLE!! i love the vampire diaries as a TV show, but i don’t think i’ll be reading the series, i’ve heard they are poorly written. but you should deff check out the HOUSE OF NIGHT series by PC cast and kristin cast..i loveeee them!!!
Agree, The House of Night series are awesome!!. Have read them all
love the authers u put in the top ten!!! maby u should try the jeaniene frost books “night huntress” as they really pull you into the book better than your top ten!! 😀
Please direct me to Anne Rice’s name…???
I love Julie Kagawa’s BLOOD OF EDEN series. Great read with mystery, love, betrayal, adventure, loss, friendship and a psycho vampire tracking Allie down. Very thrilling, love it to the end.
Personally I love the Carpathian novel series
Try something different, the book is called, Forever the Beginning, and the author is Carolyn Garbison Harkleroad.
I check it out, and I really liked this book. It’s not like the movies or books that are so boring and cleche’. The author is in depth to the characters, and they whole vamp thing.
Forever the Beginning. I also had the chance to meet the author, and she is very down to earth, much like the character in her book.
Forgot to mention the book, lol
I truly enjoy Christine Feehan’s Dark Series. Each Carpathian and their lifemates are an individual story and all have different personalities. Best to start at the beginning so you will know the characters as they often so up in another story…she’s number for me.
More about Feehan’s Carpathians? Sure. Here’s what to expect: Virtually every book is about a Carpathian male (arrogant, domineering, and clueless) who finds his lifemate (usually a phenomenally clueless human psychic, but some of them are much more interesting), and has to figure out how to convince her that they’re destined to be together for all eternity; oh, and that she has to become a blood-drinker who sleeps in dirt. Usually (like I said, there are some great exceptions) this girl is as dumb as a box of rocks, and you’ll hate her.
The above is interspersed with repetitive and sometimes ridiculously over-the-top (and highly explicit) sex scenes.
If you insist on seeing the Carpathians as human, you’ll be profoundly unhappy with their relationship dynamics. If you remind yourself that they are a nonhuman species with nonhuman instincts and psychology, it will be more palatable.
All of which sounds awful, if it weren’t for the fact that Feehan is an absolutely brilliant worldbuilder. The richness of her Carpathian culture, the way she describes their near demi-god level abilities, and the glory of the natural world they’re part of, would make all of that worth it… but there’s more.
There are the vampires. No, the Carpathians aren’t vampires. They’re an ancient non-human species who just happen to drink blood, shy away from sunlight, and sleep in the ground. A vampire is a mateless Carpathian male who, rather than sticking around in a colorless, emotionless world, has opted to give up their soul for the sake of a temporary high from killing human prey.
The vampires are as creepy as any horror novel monster you can pick out. Truly, gloriously creepy, terrifying monsters. Bugs, poison, mutant bats, ghouls, and more are their tools. Vegetation dies where they walk. They’re awesome.
Our Carpathian male Hunters spend considerable amounts of time in each book tracking down and slaying these vampires in increasingly escalating and wonderfully gory battles worthy of a Beowulf tale.
It’s as if someone took a wonderful dark fantasy/horror novel, and smashed it brutally into a sleazy cheap romance.
Are they worth reading? Most of them are. You can always skim the predictable parts. The rest of it is SO worth it.
Feehan doesn’t hit her stride until about book 3 or 4 in the series. I recommend picking up one that is a few books in, to see if you like it. If you do, you can go back and pick up the first book, where she hadn’t quite fleshed out all of her worldbuilding yet. Though I believe she actually did a revision that put in a lot more of that epic-level creepy vampire vs Carpathian detail for the first book – hopefully she’ll do it for the 2nd one as well.
i’m waiting for christine feehan’s fingers to type faster.been reading her for a while,she is the her style.the carpathian dark series can’t be’ll fall in love with all the characters. also try her leopard series. she just has a way with words and you will love her STYLE. always start at the beginning [first book] etc….enjoy
I will do y’all the SOLID favour of dropping this series right here. Do enjoy!