
Review: Burned by Karen Marie Moning (Fever #7)


Burned by Karen Marie Moning // VBC ReviewBurned (Fever #7/Fever World #2)
Karen Marie Moning
Published: Jan. 20, 2015 (Delacorte Press)
Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon
Review source: purchased

Reviewed by: Jannelle

Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars

Note: While review will be spoiler free, it does make reference to previous books in the series. If you haven’t started yet, check out VBC’s review of Darkfever.

Since the lines between Fae and our world fell, Mac’s Dublin has been slowly falling into chaos. With the world ceasing to contain any kind of order, Mac, Barrons and the remaining ruling figures of Dublin are out to create direction for the city. With Christian missing, Dani and Mac in the middle of a falling out, and Mac dealing with the book still sharing her mind, there is plenty of work to do and problems to overcome.

I heard before reading Burned that it was going to be told in multiple perspectives, and I honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about that. I just wanted more Mac (as Iced was all Dani) and I didn’t want to sift through the other POVs. Thankfully, most of Burned was still in Mac’s perspective and the chapters that aren’t were just as wonderful. My personal favorites were those chapters in Lor’s point of view. His internal dialogue was hilarious and surprisingly deep. I cannot wait for Karen Marie Moning to expand on the Lor storyline that was started here.

Aside from Lor, we gain a lot of knowledge on The Nine. If you’ve been dying for this as much as I have, we are finally being teased with information on them. Nothing extensive, but enough to keep us on our toes and excited for more in the upcoming novels.

My negative? The start to Burned was a bit slow and for a while I didn’t understand why, when there was so much to talk about and to question. It wasn’t until the shocking ending to Part I that I was beginning to understand why. Dublin is changing. What was once iced over is now warming up and that world is constantly transforming into something new and different. It looks as though Moning is getting the reader reacquainted with the Fever world while also introducing you to the new workings of it. I think that slow start and the lack of action (in comparison to other books in the series, anyway), was simply because Moning is setting us up for the next book in the series. Burned is being used as an in-between novel–it’s a complete series changer.

I also wish we had more positive interaction between Mac and Barrons. I don’t want to go into detail as I don’t want to post any spoilers; let’s just say that I forgot how aggravated being inside Mac’s head makes me. She can be so stubborn, but then her determination is what carries her into some seriously shady situations–I love it.

All in all, Burned is a game changer. The Fever world I’ve have come to read and love is evolving and while the physical world within the novel is changing, so are the characters–drastically. We have plenty of new story lines to look forward to in future novels and Burned set up the foundation for them. If you’re a fan of the Fever series, you won’t be disappointed. If you’re new to the Fever world, be sure to start with the first novel, Darkfever.

Sexual content: graphic sex, references to rape

6 Responses to “Review: Burned by Karen Marie Moning (Fever #7)”

  1. Jen says:

    Yay! I cant wait to get around to reading this.

  2. Sheena T. says:

    Loved loved everything Burned had to offer. I was very much satisfied and also left wanting more.
    That is truly a KMM signature book.

  3. Amy says:

    Great Review! I completely agree when you say Burned is an in-between book. I’m really looking forward to seeing how events / revelations from Burned carry over into the remainder of the series!

  4. Katie says:

    My favorite series…. didn’t absolutely love Burned but I cant wait for the next one. I waited over 2 years for this so I devoured Burned the day it came out!

  5. Joanna says:

    I have to say that I missed the Dani from Iced. And I will agree that Lor had me rolling along with the exchanges between Mac and Ryodan.

  6. Patti (@lovesfabromance) says:

    I saw a lot of negative comments about Burned but I liked it too! There were a few things that got on my nerves, like Mac’s inaction, and I wish we had more Dani, but there was stuff I loved too, like Jo and Lor’s interaction and Kat’s situation (I didn’t like them too much in Iced). I can’t wait for the next book!

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