Edge of Dreams (Diamond City Magic #2)
Diana Pharaoh Francis
Published April 15, 2015 (Bell Bridge Books)
Purchase: Book Depository or Amazon
Review source: Purchased
Reviewed by: Krista
Rating (out of 5): 4.5 stars
Note: While this review will be spoiler free, it does reference events from previous books in the series.
So I believe that if you haven’t read Diana Pharaoh Francis yet, you should immediately rectify that. Her Horngate Witches has a permanent place on my bookshelf and is one of my constant recommendations in urban fantasy. I am happy to report that her new Diamond City Magic series not only lives up to my expectations, but also exceeds them.
At the end of Trace of Magic our trusty magical tracer Riley Hollis had completely blown her cover as a mediocre talent, faced down the heads of the Diamond City Magic mafia, and potentially given the love of her life the boot from her life forever. While her private tracer business is booming, the rest of her life has gone to hell. She has a squad of goons following her around, who may or may not be sent by her ex. The mafia, FBI, CIA, and various other shady organizations are trying to either recruit her or kill her. Also Diamond City is experiencing a winter of epic proportions. So really all she wants to do is hide out under the blankets and decide whether or not to call her ex. Unfortunately, five missing teenagers and a cop with a sob story has her running off on what could be a suicide mission.
One of the things I love about Francis’s writing is her character development. Riley Hollis is one of the best protagonists I have read in a while. She is strong and opinionated, and sarcasm is one of the best weapons in her arsenal. She is also headstrong, flawed and impulsive. Francis has created a character so real she seems to jump off the page.
The depth of character building doesn’t just stop with our trusty heroine and hero, who is just as captivating and hot as hell. The secondary characters are just as flushed out and engaging. I can’t wait to get to learn more about Riley’s extended family and the hijinks that are sure to follow.
The story line moves along at an almost break-neck pace, most of the time it seems as if Riley is moving from one crisis to the next without a moment to breathe. Honestly she is on the brink of death at least four times. I was so engaged with the story I barely even noticed the pages passing by. Although Price and Riley are reunited about halfway through the book, the relationship growth between the two was as important as the action going around them. The heat they generate is intense and as hot as any paranormal romance out there. I really enjoyed the world Francis has created, but it is very confined to Diamond City and its citizens, in retrospect it makes me curious about the world outside the city limits.
Edge of Dreams is quick-paced, action-packed addition to the urban fantasy genre. It’s a great read for fans of Ilona Andrews, Jennifer Estep, and Kim Harrison.
Sexual Content: Sex