
BlogFest 2010: Win Vampire Babylon books 1-3


BlogFest 2010We’re participating in BlogFest 2010. Readers, take heed, more than 200 book blogs are hosting giveaways through the weekend, and you best get in on the action. First, you’ll want to enter our giveaway for the first three Vampire Babylon books (details to follow). You can see all the blog participants, prizes and even enter a super grand prize contest by checking out the BlogFest HQ at A Journey of Books.

A real quick hello to those visiting our blog for the first time. Vampire Book Club, despite the name, covers most urban fantasy, paranormal romance and fantasy — both adult and YA. We’d love for you to join us in our group read of City of Bones by Cassandra Clare this month. But, if you’re just here for the contest, let’s move forward!

Chris Marie Green writes in three novel story arcs, which means you’re going to get a complete story by reading the first three books in her Vampire Babylon series. The urban fantasy series does get steamy, so paranormal romance fans will certainly enjoy. (Chris Marie Green also writes romance under the name Crystal Green.)

Not familiar with the Vampire Babylon series? Here’s what you’re getting into: old hollywood stars returning as vampires, supernatural private investigators, secret underworld filled with mystery and a heroine discovering more about her past and just who she really is.


One winner will receive (click titles to view descriptions on Book Depository):



  1. Vampire Babylon Giveaway!You must fill out the form to enter. Comments alone do not count as an entry.
  2. You will get 3 additional entries in this contest if you’re a follower — be it via Google Friend Connect or email. It’s not required, but we like giving our readers a leg-up. (You get the 3 extra entries even if you’re a new follower, so, join the club!)
  3. For +1 additional entry, comment on this post and tell us: Would you want to be immortal? Why or why not? (Make sure you use the same name or email as you did when filling out the entry form.)
  4. This contest is open to residents of the U.S. and Canada only.
  5. You must enter no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 12.
  6. Winner will be contacted via email. She then has 48 hours to respond and claim her prize, or we will select another winner.
  7. Entrants must be at least 13 years old, or have their parent’s permission to enter this contest. Please review our privacy policy, if you have any questions as to how Vampire Book Club uses your information. (Short version: we’ll only use it to contact you for this contest.)
  8. Vampire Book Club has the right to change or cancel any giveaway at any time without prior notice.

Now that the legal stuff is out of the way. Enter, comment and hope you win books by Chris Marie Green!

For those following BlogFest 2010, the next blog on the list is one we like quite a bit: Supernatural Snark. Jenny loves speculative fiction just like we do and she’s witty to boot!

199 Responses to “BlogFest 2010: Win Vampire Babylon books 1-3”

  1. Beth says:

    Great giveaway! I’ve not heard of this series before, I’m going to have to check this one out for sure!

    Would I Want To Be Immortal?

    Hmm, I’m not sure. On one hand I think it would be pretty cool, think of the history you would witness. But once I started to outlive those around me I don’t think it would be much fun then.

  2. jeanette8042 says:

    I would not want to be immortal because it would be too devastating to watch all my friends and family grow old and die.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. Chas @ LLL Reviews says:

    I hate to sleep now and love to keep active so I am thinking I could very well make use of immortality. Of course, when I finally get board I could walk into the sun or whatever form the end comes in!=)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I am really eying out the series. This one is definitely the best prize so far!=)


    Us- Hawaii!!

  4. Colleen says:

    Maybe if I were immortal, I’d have half a chance of getting all my TBR books finished!

  5. Jacinda (jacmom) says:

    I would not want to be immortal. The thought along sounds good and I think it’s great in books and everything. I think living that long would make you a harder person over all the years. Living around death like that would be hard for me. I’m sure some people would love to be immortal, but not me.

  6. debbie says:

    I would like to be immortal. Just think of all the changes you would see in the world.

  7. Sharon says:

    I would like to be immortal if I didn’t have children. I wouldn’t want to watch them die.

  8. elaing8 says:

    Great giveaway.
    I would want to be immortal,to be able to live forever and see the changes in the world.Live through and maybe participate in all that would become historical events.

  9. angel28140 says:

    I love BlogFest 2010! Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve had my eye on this series for a while now.
    I don’t think I’d want to be immortal, or maybe I would, but only for a hundred years or so. It would great to say “okay, I’m done now.” But that’s not the way it works (usually).

  10. Marcie says:

    I would like to live a long time but I don’t think I would like to be immortal. It would be nice to see the changes the future will bring.

  11. Jen Bigheart says:


    Jen Bigheart
    I Read Banned Books

  12. Jen Bigheart says:

    Ooops, forgot comment. YES I AM immortal! 😉

  13. Rhianna says:

    Fab giveaway! I don’t think I would want to be immortal unless there were some serious additional perks… living forever without being able to change my haircut could be a really bad thing. 😉

  14. Thank you for doing this giveaway, you all!


  15. Carol M says:

    I wouldn’t want to be immortal. It would be to hard to watch your loved ones die and to see all the changes in the world that would be hard to deal with.

  16. Tony Theraiult says:

    I would like to be immortal. It would be a good way to see the world. Not having to worry about dying before you see everything you want to sounds like a bad idea.

  17. Jenny says:

    You make me blush thinking I’m witty:) To answer your question, I think yes I would like to be immortal. Though it would be hard to watch the people I care about me die while I watched, I think watching the world evolve would be really interesting. Great giveaway, thank you so much! Oh, and I of course follow the blog:)

  18. Natasha J says:

    I would like to become Immortal, but only if I could turn everyone I loved as well… ha ha! Life isn’t life, without the ones you love!

  19. Bethie says:

    I would only want to be immortal if my family can be too. It would be too hard to live without them.

  20. J L Jackson says:

    I am too old to be immortal, maybe in the next lifetime. lol

  21. Jenn S. says:

    No , I would not want to be immortal because all my loved ones would die and leave me alone in the world.

  22. Belinda P says:

    Yes, I would love to be immortal as long as my family could be too!

  23. Jenn says:

    HMM immortal – it depends on weather or not I would be able to share it with someone or a few people I love – if I could find love, then yes I just might like to! 🙂

  24. Scoot says:

    I would only want to be immortal if my true love was immortal with me. Otherwise that sounds lonely!

  25. Throuthehaze says:

    I would definitely want to be immortal. I would have forever to learn new things and explore the world.

  26. Barb W. says:

    Stopping by on the Blogfest tour to say “howdy!”

    I’m your “reffering” blogger for the tour 🙂 and glad I was because it led me to discover this very cool blog! Hope you have oodles of fun!



    ruralmoms AT gmail DOT com

  27. Ann says:

    Would I want to be immortal – Being immortal would allow me to “fix” all the wrongs that were committed and learn from years and years of mistakes and hopefully quit making mistakes. Immortal would let you see all the advancements in science and the tec world. I think it would be great. Of course being immortal would hopefully allow me to be perfect in body and mind.

  28. Immortality…hmmm…I would love to be immortal!! I would feel like the “gatekeeper” of history. It would be intriguing to know that I would be here 100 or even 1000 years from now. AWESOME!!

  29. Marissa says:

    I think being immortal would have its plus and negatives. Yes I would love it but it would suck seeing your family and friends die. I would love to see how the world changes over time.

  30. Sheila says:

    I would want to be an immortal because I would be able to accomplish so much more than I would in a single lifetime without worrying that I never have enough time in the day.

  31. Mindy says:

    Very nice giveaway! This is the first I’ve heard of this site, and I can’t wait to see what y’all are reading.

    RE: Immortality
    Hmmm…..this isn’t an easy question to answer. I’m definitely intrigued by the possibilities of seeing history unfold before me, but sometimes that’s not such a good thing, say, in the event of a major war. While watching friends and loved ones die would be difficult, this is doable as this is a part of life anyway, and I have no trouble making friends. The upside is that I could see future generations of my own family.

    There are several big downsides, the first being money. Unless you can have a job and save enough to continue generating good enough interest to sustain you for the time that you’re going to be around, you’ll have to work the whole time (assuming that you’re not a vampire and need only a hole in the ground to sleep and blood to keep alive). Another issue is society’s increasing dependence on establishing identity. You would need a really good forger to create new identities to hide your immortality (which is of course assuming that not everyone is immortal).

    Overall, immortality is not for me.

  32. Would you want to be immortal? Why or why not?

    Um… yeah sure why not? I would love to see what the future holds for us 🙂

    melissa(at) booksrusonline dot com

  33. Donna S says:

    Great giveaway. I dont think I would want to be immortal. Even though I love to read about them. I think it would be too hard to watch everyone around me go and still have to stick around and deal with the real world.

  34. delitealex says:

    I would want to be immortal to see what happens in the future.

  35. Breanna says:

    I definitely would not want to be immortal. It would be terrible to watch all your loved ones die and to have that cycle repeat itself over and over again.


  36. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  37. Benita says:

    I’d love to remain young, but not immortal-the constant reliving of the hardships of life. Sorry, but no thanks.


  38. Smash Attack says:

    Awesome giveaway! I would want to be immortal so that I can be part of long-term change and see the betterment of society over time.

  39. Chantel says:

    As curious as I am about what the far future would be like, I don’t think I could handle being immortal. I’m looking forward to experiencing the rest of my life.

  40. Tough question. On one hand, if the people you love are not immortal that would be rough… on the other hand, I’d have enough time to make a dent in my TBR pile!

  41. won says:

    Hell no to the immortal question.

    I can’t wait to cross over. I am hoping and praying that our loved ones are waiting for us.

    I want to see my late daughter again. I’m ready.

  42. Betsy says:

    Would I Want To Be Immortal?

    I can Honestly Say I don’t know… In one hand I would love to see The World and how it has evolved in time… but then again i would always be loosing the people I Love so If The people I love can be Immortal With me then maybe being immortal would’nt be so bad!!

  43. ♥Nikkii♥ says:

    I am a follower, I would love to be immortal only to see the world change and things come back around.

  44. Tara W says:

    I would not want to be immortal. I wouldn’t want to keep watching my loved ones die.

  45. siva says:

    I think i would be devastated at first if i were immortal, to watch everyone i know and love grow old and eventually die but i think i would still rather be immortal because the thought of dying scares me and well, i wouldn’t die if i were immortal lol. also, if i could make someone else immortal with me then i guess it wouldn’t be so bad because then i wouldn’t be so lonely hehe

  46. alex h (lexigurl) says:

    I would love to be immortal for a time. It would be interesting to watch History in the making!

  47. Mae says:

    Thank you for the giveaway! =)

    I’m not sure it I would want to be immortal. Probably, but I’d have to think about it for a little while longer. Haa.

  48. Darla says:

    I would want to be immortal, I could watch how the world continues and if I had an immortal friend it wouldn’t be too lonely. 🙂

  49. Elise says:

    I would not want to be immortal because I would eventually be tired of living life and then I’d be stuck having to live forever.
    caliblue7 at gmail dot com

  50. Moridin says:

    I wouldn’t want to be immortal. I used a different name but the same email address on the entry form.

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