Shadowfever (Fever #5)
Karen Marie Moning
Published: Jan. 18, 2011
Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon
Rating (out of 5): 4 stars
[Ed. note: We made this review SPOILER-FREE. But if you haven’t read the earlier books, please refer to our review of the first title Darkfever.]
Shadowfever is intense. It’s not just that the stakes are high in this final book in the Fever series — Mac’s trying to save the world. And it’s not just many of the character’s all-or-nothing outlook. Each chapter of Shadowfever ratchets up the stakes. Just when you think you have an answer and something starts to go our way, it gets worse. There is nary a moment when readers will not be gripping the book thinking either “no way,” “oh my God” or “what?!”
Basically, it’s nearly 600 pages of Karen Marie Moning mentally fucking with you. And, really, would you have it any other way? Barrons sure wouldn’t. He likes intensity, and when it comes to the man we met at Barrons Books & Baubles in Darkfever, he exudes intensity.
Alongside all that agonizing edge-of-your-seat stuff are answers piled on answers. Unfortunately, you also have to endure a lot of the wrong answers. Mac has to come to things in her own time, and some of the hard truths she learns will be unexpected.
The downside for me was the loose ends. I’m guessing — though I honestly haven’t read anything that says so — Moning is planning a spin-off that will take care of several gaps. The big picture is taken care of, but there were a couple things after the big emotional ride I took through the five Fever books that I wanted more finite closure on. On the upside: one of those things is NOT Barrons. You will get answers. Promise.
To avoid spoilers I’ll say you will get to learn who killed Alina, what is Barrons, Mac’s background, Darroc’s role and bunch more about the Fae. As to what those answers are, pick up the book.
The series (click for reviews): Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever and Shadowfever.
Sexual content: Kissing and a sex scene you’ve been waiting for…
Readers, I have a favor to ask. If you are going to talk about plot specifics in the comments just throw the word spoiler nice and big beforehand, so those who wish to avoid them may do so. Thanks!
Awesome. I entered my info and am a happy subscriber. 🙂
I just finished the entire series based on your recommendation of it. I absolutely LOVED it. This last book was a crazy journey of twists and turns. I agree that there did seem to be some open-ended things. I can definitely see a spin-off with some of Barrons’ “men” and the girls from the abbey (Dani included).
Finished this three days after it’s release…Loved it! Loved this whole series…This last book had me cussing, fussing and gasping with all it’s twists and turns! I love the ending and can also see the story continuing maybe not with the same main characters (which would be my vote) but maybe with some of the other characters throughout this series which I think I would speak for all who are fans of this series, we’ll take what we can get! Thanks so much Karen Moning for your brillant mind!
There is going to be a spin-off as yet the title has not been released, and it will have Mac and Barrons making some appearances but will be mostly about Dani, Ryodan, and Christan per KMM website post.
The next Fever book is ICED and it is due out Oct 2012. There will be 3 total Dani novels before she returned to Mac and Barrons for 2 more books!!!!