I realize many of my favorite books — and recommended series — may not have their first few books reviewed on VBC. It goes with the territory of a blog that I review my latest reads, and only get to the others when doing a re-read (like we did for Vampire Academy or for a group read). But I’d like to get everyone caught up. So, in the coming weeks I’m going to try and get reviews up-to-date on series from two of my favorite authors: Richelle Mead for her Georgina Kincaid series and Jeaniene Frost for Night Huntress.
Succubus Heat (Georgina Kincaid #4)
Richelle Mead
Published: 2009 (Kensington)
Purchase at: Book Depository or Amazon
Rating (out of 5): 4 stars
Note: This review will give away key points in previous novels, especially from the third book Succubus Dreams. If you have not read the previous books, I suggest you read our review of Succubus Blues (Georgina Kincaid #1) instead.
After the ground-shaking ending to Succubus Dreams, we felt Georgina’s pain. Hell, the ending to book three had me crying. (Richelle Mead knows how to make everyone ride the emotional rollercoaster in the third books, doesn’t she?) While time has passed since the big breakup, at the beginning of Succubus Heat it’s clear Georgina is not coping well. She still works at the bookstore with Maddie. Has to talk to her. Be friends with her. See her all smoochy and cozy with Seth. And act like it’s nothing because, of course, no one knew she and Seth had ever been a couple.
Instead of moving on, she’s fallen into a spiral. She’s dating Dante — who everyone agrees is not good enough for her and makes her extra bitchy, she drinks a lot, has taken back up smoking and is corrupting as many mortal souls as she can. You’d think her archdemon boss Jerome would be happy with his main succubus tagging quality souls for hell. He’s sick of her moping, though. Sick of seeing her so not Georgina. So, he decides she’ll be getting away. He outsources our girl to another archdemon in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The little problem she’s sent to fix seems beneath her, and Georgina is convinced it’s part of a diversion dealing with demons fighting over territory boundaries. She thinks she has a fix on it when Jerome goes missing. She’s one of the few willing to work to find him, and gets herself caught up in some big power plays.
I won’t give things away where things go with Seth. I will say they both still love each other and there is promise here. Expect character development and self-reflection in Succubus Heat along with lots of groundwork for future books.
Succubus Heat isn’t as emotionally taxing as the previous book. The mystery plot is one of the best so far, with a good surprise (not quite as good as the Roman reveal in Succubus Blues, but good). And, I promise you, this book will give you hope for Georgina being happy again, for finding love. You’ll feel the pain of her longing for a husband and children again, but also wonder if there’s a chance she might finally get that ideal.
Sexual content: Graphic sex scenes
I love love LOVE this series!!! I am on pins and needles for the last book!!!! ;o) And I love Night Huntress too. They are both fantastic! This one, though, is so emotional! And funny and just great. :o) Good review!!
I absolutely love the Georgina Kincaid books. I am looking forward to book 6 but at the same time a little sad that the series will come to an end. I really did enjoy book 4.
Thank you for sharing today. I have not read this series and had to go over and get book 1. (oh there goes the budget again:) Look forward to reading this series.
Fantastic representation! As a book fan I totally akin to Richelle Mead. I really love his “Succubus Heat”. It’s remarkable, funny and outstanding. I extremely love Georgina books series. Thanks!