
Alpha Showdown Round 2: Cat vs. Faythe


VBC Presents: ALPHA SHOWDOWN 2011Yesterday we kicked off the Alpha Showdown in fine fashion, pitting Wrath from J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series up against Bones from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series. (We particularly enjoy how many of you are picking Bones based on Chapter 32 of One Foot in the Grave. Worthwhile for sure, but still amusing.) That poll remains open until midnight tonight. However, today we’re moving on to two fierce ladies. One’s half vampire, the other an enforcer for a pride of shifters. We expect fireworks, folks.

You can get a refresher on just what this Alpha Showdown thing is here, but a key point to remember: Each poll is open for only 48 hours. Then, the champion will advance to the next round until only one alpha remains. So, vote while you can. (Jump to the poll)


Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene FrostCat (a.k.a. The Red Reaper)

You know her from: Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost
First appeared: Halfway to the Grave (review | get your copy)
Supernatural status: Half vampire

Championing for Cat: Julie from Yummy Men and Kick Ass Chicks

Reasons Why Catherine ‘Cat’ Crawfield, heroine in Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series, is the Ultimate Alpha (also known as Why Cat Totally Kicks Ass)

  • Catherine ‘Cat’ Crawfield has balls of steel. She went right up to Bones, a master Vampire and asked him if he wanted to f*ck. Just like that. Okay, so he pretty much kicked her arse, but she learned from it and she soon became a first class fighter. Such a fighter that the government enlisted her and asked her to train their most elite warrior! You can’t have a wuss or a chicken as the ultimate Alpha and Cat is no chicken. Or wuss.
  • She managed to charm Ian and Vlad. Two of the thickest headed men/vampires in the world! If she can captivate those guys, she can enchant anyone. And that is a very important trait in an Alpha.
  • And finally, Bones chose her as his mate. THE Bones. And we all know that the woman is the one who is the best part of any relationship. The one who is truly in charge of things. So if Cat can rule over Bones and manage to convince him he’s the boss, think of what she can do for everyone else! She rules Bones and she’ll rule them all!

To me, an Alpha is someone who can easily control the unruly, who can negotiate and weave through the crap, who is loyal to those they are responsible for and for who they care for and someone who shows passion and heart beyond what you would think would be natural limits. They represent the people without losing of themselves. They take ownership of their f*ck-ups and always manage to pull through. That is an Alpha. That is Catherine ‘Cat’ Crawfield.

Stray by Rachel VincentFaythe Sanders

You know her from: Shifters series by Rachel Vincent
First appeared: Stray (get a copy)
Supernatural status: Shifter (Werecat enforcer, even)

Championing for Faythe: Ash from Smash Attack Reads

Faythe Sanders, werecat extraordinaire. We first meet Faythe as a young college student who wants nothing more than to live a normal life. She is fully determined to break free of the reigns of Pride life and have control over her future. However, her genetic makeup refuses to allow her any freedom. As one of the few remaining female werecats, her future looks pretty barefoot and pregnant.

She’s an Enforcer for her Pride, which means she kicks ass and takes names when trouble comes calling. Throughout the series, Faythe matures leaps and bounds as she’s forced to make decisions and endure the consequences. We see a young woman who is still very unsure of herself, but who takes risks fueled by her passion for life, equality and those she loves. She stands up for what she believes in, regardless if it will get her a swift punch in the face. She fights with the indignation of 1,000 soldiers, and she loves with the fiercest passion. She may not always think things through thoroughly, but she learns from her mistakes.

The great thing about Faythe though, is that she turns her doubts into actions. She might be scared as hell to take a step, but she takes it, regardless. She doesn’t stick her tail between her legs and run for the hills. She stands, tall and trembling, determined to see her way through any given scenario, dead or alive. In the end, she emerges as a fierce, compassionate and humble leader. She doesn’t take her loved ones for granted, and she puts her ass on the line for them. Every. Single. Time. Her heart is as big as her bite.

While Cat may have sheer strength and speed on her side, Faythe’s determination, skill and pure heart are what give her an edge.

Come back tomorrow to place your votes in the battle between Anita Blake from Laurell K. Hamilton’s series of the same name and Eugenie Markham from Richelle Mead’s Dark Swan series. You can see the full bracket, and keep updated on which polls are open by visiting the Alpha Showdown page.

40 Responses to “Alpha Showdown Round 2: Cat vs. Faythe”

  1. Candace says:

    Cat. Catherine. Reaper. Kitten. All names to describe the most kick ass female in all of paranormal romance. She slices, she dices, she juliennes! Cat is the complete package. Half vamp, vampire killer with a deadly accurate aim, only she could bring Bones to his knees. Cat hasn’t wavered in who she loves either. It’s been one man the entire time. Go Reaper, you get my vote!

  2. JenniA says:

    Faythe took on a crazy dude on purpose just to show she can hang with the boys and save her families ranch. If that’s not Alpha material, I don’t know what is.

  3. Sara H says:

    Really?! This isn’t a showdown. This is an annihalation and Cat is the one standing at the end.
    There’s no whining or running from her fate Cat’s living it, full force and to the extreme.
    Faythe may be a tough kitty but Cat is the…ah…um…Cat. Yeah!

  4. This one’s hard because it took me several books to actually like Cat and I haven’t read any of the Shifter books. She may not be my favorite heroine but she sure can kick @ss so my vote is for Cat!

  5. barbara says:

    No contest here really, Cat is the victor! Faythe is tough but with her inability to think through situations, make solid decisions, and react quickly, Cat will have her down and begging for her life. And with Bones at her side, she can conquer the world! Go Cat, you’ve got my vote! 🙂

  6. AAAAAARGGGGGHHHH you are making these impossible! I love them both, I don’t think I can even vote – SO TORN!!

    • Smash Attack says:

      It was WAY hard writing Faythe’s piece, knowing she was going against Cat. I think Cat would lay her flat, but I’m way more drawn to Faythe as a person. Also, Cay is waaaaay more popular b/c of Bones. heh.

      • You’re probably right about Cat being more popular because of her being with Bones, but let’s be honest: the girl doesn’t need anyone to fight for her. She’s badass in her own right.

      • You ladies are both right – even thought I love love love Faythe, I am finally reading This Side of the Grave and Cat is freakin flying now. Yeah, she’s got this one, but good job Ash!!!

  7. Robyn says:

    Sorry Faythe, you know i love you (kiss Marc for me), but Cat would chew you and spit you out without blinking. Aside from Kate, i’m thinking Cat could/would/will beat out ANY female Alpha thrown at her (and several of the Male Alphas to). Hmmm, round 3: Kate & Curran vs. Cat & Bones??? a Couples Alpha blowout? now THAT would be a battle.

    • Jo says:

      OMG that was exactly what I was thinking about! For the couples battle. I want to know who would win.
      And agrees with the rest too, I live Faythe but Cat would deffnetly kick her butt from here to next week and same goes for every other characters.

      • Jo says:

        As I clicked ‘Submit Comment’ I realised I said live Faythe instead of love Faythe, oops 😛

  8. Straylights says:

    Gotta go for Cat even though I love/hate her!

  9. Jackie says:

    Where would Bones be without Cat AKA Kitten? Sorry Faythe no contest.

  10. Dee says:

    Cat gets my vote. No competition.

  11. I haven’t read the Shifter books, but I can’t imagine many heroines scrappier and with better survival skills than Cat. Top that off with the sexy & powerful Bones at her side, and she’s nearly unstoppable… especially now that she’s all super-Cat!

    If I could be any book heroine, it would be Cat. *grin*

    So is she alpha enough? She was able to single-handedly defend Bone’s line against nay-sayers when they thought he was dead, and she has the respect of his 2000 year old grandsire Mencheres. Hard to beat that kind of resume!

  12. Smash Attack says:

    It was hard writing this. I’m way more drawn to Faythe as a person, but Cat is definitely more powerful. I knew she’d kick Faythe to the curb, but Faythe still gets my vote because of her inner power.

  13. Smash Attack says:

    er, I meant she could kick Faythe’s butt, not the curb. lol

  14. Kim says:

    Cat doesn’t whine, cry, or beg for mercy. She’d rather just kick your a#$ and keep on walking. Faythe may have heart, but she just doesn’t have enough spine. I think Cat would pulverize her without much thought.

  15. I love them both, but Cat is a super-kick-ass heroine. Sorry Faythe.

  16. Haha. I love how many of you are apologizing to Faythe!

  17. Rachel Elizabeth says:

    I’m going to have to apologize to Faythe here, as well! I love that kick ass werecat, but Cat is the Red Reaper! Before she even met Bones and was trained by him she was taking down vamps twice her age.

  18. Sara says:

    Cat! The Red Reaper kicks total ass even in stiletto’s!

  19. mariarena says:


    cat’s my favourite.YOU GO GIRL!!!!

    sorry faythe(A.K.A were-kitty-girl), but CAT doesn’t mind getting ‘WET’ though she’s a kitten too…BONES KITTEN(*wink wink*).

  20. Viki S. says:

    Faythe because she’s an alpha w/o supernatural powers.

  21. Kristin says:

    I adore Cat. Usually I find leading ladies to be kind of boring or same old/same old…but not with Cat. She is strong, witty, and does not wait around for a man to save the day. Most of all she is never dull, and I find that more important than anything. Cat for sure!

  22. I love Cat too (and Jeanine is a friend) but just a point of fact, to whoever it was who argued otherwise, Faythe DOES fight her own fights, and she doesn’t ask for mercy. No, she’s not the strongest physically, but that was intentional. She’s not a superhero. She’s a woman fighting for what she believes in, with the odds stacked against her.

    Thanks for including her, even if a vampire would take her down with superpowers. 😉


  23. DarkBloodyVamp says:


    Cat is bad-ass and at the same time can be soft and gentle. Also out of all the women in the world for Bones to chose Cat means she is one of a kind and special.

  24. Joani S says:

    Cat wins hands down! I believe she can take on all-comers, and she will even take out some of the men. I LOVE her!!

  25. Sara Cummins says:

    It’s Faythe for me. Although not by much… 🙂

  26. Both characters were awesome. Both were pretty much pain in the ass whiners in the beginning. However, Cat is a W O M A N while Faythe is just now emerging from her brat cocoon. I wish we had had a few more books to see Faythe as a woman but alas this series ended way to soon.

  27. Autumn says:

    Faythe all the way!!! Faythe fights for what she believes is right and what will benefit the shifter world. There is true emotion behind everything the woman does and she will do EVERYTHING to protect her Pride. They just don’t get better than Faythe.

  28. Jeaniene Frost says:

    How about a “Skips fight to go out for drinks” option on the Cat & Faythe poll? They’re very alike and would have a blast knocking back liquor while exchanging romantic *and* battle stories! 🙂

  29. yosne says:

    cat of course! but i glimpsed into the future and wonder what am i going to choose when itll be cat vs bones!!!!

  30. It has to be Cat! Bones’ kitten is the coolest! 😀

  31. wont says:

    I’ve never heard of Faythe. I choose Cat. She kicked PB girl’s ass (that would be Annette) when she was still human and Annette was a vampire! What else needs to be said?

  32. bentley1530 says:

    Hmm, I wished I liked Cat (and Bones for that matter) a bit more but it would be difficult to pick against her in a fight.

  33. Marlene D. says:

    Cat for sure. No contest for me.

  34. China Doll says:

    No Contest
    I pick Cat, 100%. Yes, she is a physically strong skilled fighter, but the grit to Cat is her inner strength and determination. When things are going bad for her in a fight, she digs her heels iin and unleashes the killing blow.

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